
Tuesday, November 26, 2013


this will be my last post for the week- in order to get fully ready for the best holiday of the year- THANKSGIVING!

thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday- my parents host our whole family at their house every year, and it's a night full of a ton of food, wine, and scattergories. 

this year is of course especially awesome because it's HANUKKAH as well!

hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving, and can find a lot of things to be thankful for this year. i know i sure have plenty to look back on and be grateful for!

xo, lp

(via Instagram last year)

Monday, November 25, 2013


Hello lovelies! 

Happy Monday! This past week was a lovely one- here's what's been going on lately:

1. I finally found someone who loves Snail Mail as much as I do! I recently started up a good old fashioned pen-pal-ship with the lovely lady behind One Fine A, and getting a lovely card in the mail just makes my day! If you're looking to get some snail mail, today is the last day to sign up for her mail exchange! 

2. I've been sharing a lot of #ootd shots lately, and as you can tell I've been trying to get good use out of my favorite Old Navy Flats before the snow fully flies (well, okay, it already has snowed, but it keeps melting). Yes, I have them in 3 colors, and might just buy them in more in the future. Hide your judgement, please.

3. This weekend we celebrated the birthday of one of my favorite friends- complete with dinner, drinks, and an impromptu drunken adventure to a bowling alley. Yup, we live dangerously! Happy 28th, Dani!!
 4. What's a party without a specialty cocktail? For Dani's party I made a kiwi-berry sangria and it was sooo good. Too good. I'll be sure to share the recipe soon!

Now it's your turn- tell me something good!
Celebrate a birthday recently? Dress in seasonally inappropriate footwear just to be stubbon?
Do share!

xo, lp

let's be instagram friends, shall we? find me here: @lpodlich

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday's Fancies #74: Black Friday Fashion

Well, I won't be Black Friday shopping this year, because:
1. I'll be at work.
2. Crowds of middle-aged women fighting for KitchenAid mixers terrify me.

If I waaaaaas, this is what I'd be wearing to get my game face on:

Obviously a black theme is in order, including black skinnies, black ankle boots, and a black polka dot scarf.
To get in the right mindset, chug some coffee in this boss coffee mug! And to assure you can stuff as many things away as possibly, bring along a big Madewell Transport Tote!
Finally, a cozy sweater and some nice mittens will keep you warm waiting in line for that 50% off item, right?

Are you shopping on Black Friday?
If so- what are you shopping for?


Thursday, November 21, 2013


1. I said HOLIDAY, not Christmas
2. Hanukkah is in a week, and that is one of these cards.

Thus, I bring to you, washi tape holiday cards!
For your tree cards:
Step 1:  Bust out all your washi tape. Most of mine is from Loollipop, but I have some rolls from Coscto & Target too!
Step 2: Layer different patterns & colors of green washi tape & cut into triangles
Step 3: Layer on your card, and write a cheery greeting!
Get creative with your cards! I made sure to cover Hanukkah, Christmas, aaaand New Years. I may have gone a little washi crazy and made a few too many. Oops.

The best part about washi tape is that is peels right back off of the cards- so if you screw up or don't love your design- you change it!

Have you made any great holiday crafts yet?
Share a link in the comments- I'd love to see them!

xo, lp

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

WHITE CHEDDAR CAYENNE POPCORN ("gourmet" popcorn files, part 2)

Today I bring you installment #2 of the Gourmet Popcorn Files.
If you're new around here, this isn't really gourmet popcorn, but it's something a little elevated from your average microwave popcorn! You can see the whole background here.

Today's popcorn recipe: 
What you'll need to make it happen:
- Popcorn Popper (I use a stir crazy)
- 3/4 cups unpopped White Popcorn Kernels
- 2 Tbsps Vegetable Oil
- 2 Tbsps Kernel Season's White Cheddar Seasoning
- 1 tsp Cayenne
- 2 Tbsps Butter
- 2 tsps dried parsley
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder

How to make it happen:
Step 1: Pop your popcorn as directed 
Step 2: Melt your butter and drizzle evenly over the popcorn
Step 3: Immediately after, sprinkle your White Cheddar seasoning, cayenne, parsley, and garlic powder over your popcorn.
Step 4: Enjoy! 
If you're not a big spice fan, skip the cayenne- the popcorn will still taste great without it!

What snack have you been making lately?
If you need a new recipe to try, pin this and give it a go!

xo, lp

*I was not paid to write this post, nor is it a sponsored post by Kernel Season's. Once again, I buy this seasoning all the time on my own, even though they have sent me flavors to try at times! Either way, this is truly a recipe I make multiple times a month and I wanted to share it with you, and give Kernel Season's some credit for making a great product. xo, lp*

Monday, November 18, 2013


Happy Monday lovely friends!

As I'm writing this it is pouring outside, and the Packers are losing the Sunday night game. The only current upside is the ice cold PBR next to me. 

Here's what's up lately: 

1. I don't know about you- but I'm in full fall mode over here. Huge scarves & burgundy sweaters. Oh, and my favorite Lead the Way  Marvelous Moxie lipstick from BareMinerals. Perfection.

2. I've mentioned before that I'll wear flats until the snow flies. Well, last week I wore flats and the snow flew. So depressing. Luckily it has all melted, but it was a reality check that winter is on the way.

3. My lovely friend Dani came into town this weekend from Minnesota. I love showing people around Madison (even in the rain) - and having her here was better than I could have hoped!

4. I got my holiday crafting on this weekend, making some washi tape holiday cards. I recently added to my washi tape collection by heading to Costco and getting the most amazing deal-- 20 rolls of tape PLUS a holder- all for $20. That means about a buck a roll. Insane.

5. Last week's Dotty Optimism was one I thought was lovely enough to bring up again today. Start the week with this mindset, it'll make it easier! 

6. Tomorrow's recipe is one you won't want to miss. Promise. 
Tell me something good about the weekend!
Anyone else started the holiday card making process? 


*PSSSST: Let's be Instagram friends! Find me here: @lpodlich

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday's Fancies #73: Not just for Lumberjacks

I love me some plaid.
This week's FF was dedicated to the pattern, and I couldn't pass up highlighting some of my favorite ways to wear the best fall accessory: plaid scarves! 

 1. black & white: who says plaid can't look dressy? pair this banana republic b&w scarf with a cashmere sweater and you're good to go!

2. mix & match: pattern mixing isn't going anywhere for a while, so pair a striped top with this cheery red plaid!

3. nice & neutral: if you want plaid toned down, go for a neutral look, mixing a grey sweater & a khaki plaid scarf. 

4. bright & bold: if you're ready to scream PLAID! from the rooftops, pair this super soft gap pink scarf with a bright red sweater!

Which of these 4 ways do you wear your plaid?
Mix & Match for me all the way!

xo, lp

Thursday, November 14, 2013

DIY HOLIDAY: Chalkboard Wine Glasses

This holiday season (yes, I can say that, since Hanukkah is 3 weeks away) is upon us, and this year on the blog I'll be giving some ideas for DIY gifts to give!

The first gift idea is an easy one- Chalkboard Wine Glasses:

Now, truth be told I actually made these a while ago as a housewarming gift for our friends, but they would serve equally well for a holiday gift! They're not only affordable, but they're also a useful gift to give!

What you'll need to make it happen:
- 4 wine glasses (you can get them at a dollar store or Target!)
- Chalkboard Spray Paint 
- Painter's Tape

How to Make it Happen:

Step 1: Make sure your glass bases are fully clean. Any dirt or dust will show up as nasty bumps on your glasses!
Step 2: Tape the entire stem of the glasses, starting about half an inch up from the bottom. 
Step 3: Spray from about 8 inches away the base of your glasses, careful not to get any on the rest of the glass.
Step 4: WAIT FOR IT TO DRY. Don't skip this step!
Step 5: Spray with a second coat, and let dry again.
Step 6: Remove the tape and allow to fully dry overnight
Step 6: Wrap up with a bottle of wine & some chalk, and you've got a great DIY gift!

They're a fun, practical gift to give- that your friends/family can use again and again! 

Have any great DIY gift ideas?
Make sure to share in the comments, I'm always looking for a new project to try!

xo, lp

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Blogger Buzz, v5: Work it out

This month The Blogger Buzz is back and ready to sweat! 
Here are our favorite ways to stay fit:
  1. Laura Podlich of Beauty & the Beard // I love to walk or hike outside with my boyfriend. It makes the time go by so much faster to have someone to talk to, and getting fresh air is always a plus!
  2. Lauren Felix of La Petite Fashionista // My favorite way to workout is Zumba! It brings me back to my many years of dance classes, and I love that it's so much fun it doesn't even feel like I'm burning calories like crazy!
  3. Ashley Fine of One Fine Day // My go-to workout has got to be spinning. It's fast-paced and gives me a reason to blast my embarrassing workout playlist. I spin for sanity, to fit in my jeans, and to splurge on dessert.
  4. Katherine Nolden of The Duchess of Plumewood // My fave way to workout is pretty much anything where I don't realize I'm working out. I usually do the elliptical while watching TV; I find I work harder when I don't think about how many minutes are left.
  5. Meg Anderson of Downtown Daydreams // My favorite workouts are Violet Zaki's classes at Equinox in New York City. Her class Asset Management is just the best! My friends and I love to go together. You leave feeling exhausted and amazing — all at the same time. She's tough, but so motivating and hilarious! While her classes are currently in New York, Violet also has videos and quick workouts on YouTube

What fitness routine(s) do you swear by? We'd love to know!

IMAGE CREDITS: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


The other day it turned chilly and I decided it was time to make a hot toddy. 
Correction: I had a cold, and medicine wasn't making me feel better, so I decided it was time to make a hot toddy.
Rather than using the power of the ol' internet to make sure I had the recipe right, I thought I'd just wing it from my bartending days. 

Wellllll turns out my memory wasn't as awesome as I thought, because once I made it I thought it tasted delicious, but not quite right. After looking it up, I realized I missed the key ingredient - TEA!

So, thus came into play the tea-less hot toddy. It's still delicious and fully warms you, it's just not the traditional toddy!

What you'll need to make it happen:
- 2 ounces bourbon or whiskey (I choose Bulleit)
- 2 Tbsps honey
- 2 lemon wedges
- Cinnamon stick
- Hot Water
How to make it happen:
Brace yourselves, this is about to really difficult ;) 
Step 1: Throw your honey, 1/2 stick cinnamon, bourbon, and the juice of 1 lemon wedge in your glass.
Step 2: Fill with hot water, stir.
Step 3: Garnish with lemon & cinnamon and enjoy!
This drink is super simple (and tastes great without the tea!) and I'm not gonna lie, I not longer have that nagging cold, so we'll chalk this guy up to a win. For those of you looking for a classic Hot Toddy, here's a recipe to follow! 

What's your go-to winter drink?
I'm telling you, if you can't get rid of a cold, try bourbon!

xo, lp

(pssst! If you're looking for some cool glass mugs, I love these and these!)

Monday, November 11, 2013


normally on mondays i do a little instagram round up of what's been going on lately,  but i didn't really take too many pictures last week. rather than force a boring post, i figured i'd start out the week with this little guy. for those of you who already are good old friends with me on instagram you have probably seen this before, right? 
for those new to these parts, 5 weeks ago i started sharing some of my little doodles- one each friday, and i'm affectionately calling them "dotty optimisms". they're usually pretty cheesy, but you know what? they make me smile! 

if we're not already instagram buds, find me @lpodlich to see these weekly dotty optimisms (plus a plethora of other completely random snapshots of everyday in the world of an apparel merchant in wisconsin).

so going into this week: just breathe, friends. it's going to be a great week and you're going to nail that test/presentation/project/etc. i just know it!

have a great instagram account i should be following (yours, or someone else's)?
leave the handle in the comments!

xo, lp

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday's Fancies #72: Sweater Weather!

Alright. This is it. I might as well give up after this, because this is officially the best fall outfit ever. 
If someone feels like buying me this and allowing me to wear it daily, I'd do it. That sweater! That scarf! YES!

I know you're all itching to know where it's all from, right?

1. THAT SWEATER! I want to cozy up in this thing and never leave it's warm embrace. Yes, that just got weird. But seriously. Well done, TopShop.

2. THAT SCARF! I can't decide what's more perfect here, the fact that it's the quintessential fall/holiday plaid, or the fact that it's $19! Yep. Plus it's from Nordstrom's so free shipping err'day. \

3. THOSE BRACELETS! Gorjana, all the way. Studded or Chains- both from ASOS.

4. THOSE FLATS! Gap, per usual. I have these in pink and they are so dang comfy.

5. THOSE PANTS! Current/Elliot - love the wash, love the roll.  

6. THAT BAG! I've been lusting after this tote from Madewell for ages. Le Sigh. 

7. THOSE MITTENS! Is it acceptable to wear mittens inside? If so I'd wear these on the reg. From Gap!

What's your perfect fall outfit entail?
If it doesn't include that scarf, it should now!

xo, lp

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Forever21 is like that cheap wine we love, know we should avoid (from the hangover it gives us)...but keep going back to time after time. Why? Because it's fun. 

And damnit if these 9 necklaces aren't fancy and fantastic:

Which of these fantastically gaudy gals would you choose?
I vote 2 & 9, for sure.

xo, lp

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Let's talk for a second about food kicks. 
You know, when you get into something for a while and eat it every. dang. day?
For a while in college I made pita sandwiches every day for months? Let's not get into details. It was an obsession. It was just so easy! And healthy! And filling! 
Mmkay, I'm going to stop justifying myself here, and just share one of the "recipes" I used to go for:

What you'll need to make it happen:

- Wheat or white pita pockets
- Hummus (any flavor!)
- Spinach
- Feta (I used tomato basil)
-Cherry tomatoes

 How to make it happen:

Okay, clearly this isn't  rocket science:
Step 1: Spread your hummus, about 2 Tbsp onto both sides of the pita.
Step 2: Layer your spinach around the pocket!
Step 3: Add you tomatoes, olives, and feta..
Step 4: Enjoy!

Normally I'd actually have red peppers instead of tomatoes, but man- when you don't have what you want, you gotta improvise, right?

What food have you gone on kicks of before?
My glamorous list includes grapefruit and string cheese, so I promise anything you share can't be much more ridiculous!

xo, lp

Monday, November 4, 2013


It's Monday!
Happy Daylight Savings, mah friends. 

Here's what's new lately: 

I didn't do the costume thing this Halloween, but I diiiiid make some fun themed treats! Chocolate spider webs!

Is pattern mixing still cool? I sure hope so. 


Instead of candy, I grabbed this lovely treat:

Here are the ingredients for tomorrow's post:

What'd you do (or not do) for Halloween?
Anyone else make any themed desserts? I know I can't be the only one!

xo, lp