
Monday, January 16, 2012

Chevron art

   ** note: it's a good thing I wrote this post ahead of time. it wouldn't be nearly as peppy if I had written it after the game last night. sigh. heartbreak.**

   Alright folks, it's time to get on board with Tiffany at Living Savvy and her No Spend Challenge! Tiffany decided that for the month of January she wouldn't spend a dime on home decor-and is inviting all of you to do the same! Thus, when it came time to get some decoration in the downstairs bathroom I looked in the craft stash to see what I could make with what I had, rather than running to Michael's or Target!

I saw this chevron art and loved it. I mean, it's chevron. Who doesn't love chevron?

Originally from here
I have a lot of blank canvases from Michael's Crafts, so I grabbed one of those, some old bottles of acrylic paint, and the blue painters tape I got in my stocking from Michael's parents (do they know me or what!?). At first I was going to use the full width of the painters tape but realized it would be way too thick- so I just cut each piece in half:

 I started by making all the main vertical lines down the canvas, and slowly filled in the diagonal lines to make the chevron pattern:

 Cutting everything in half and taping it all in an even pattern took a while- but it sure looked cool!
 I started out with a lighter mint green to cover most of the background to make sure there wouldn't be any white space other than the lines once the tape came up:
 After that had a minute to dry I simply did random brushstrokes of different greens, teals, and blues.
 Ripping off the tape led to this:

 The upstairs bathroom had just gotten the Potato Polka Dot art recently, so the downstairs bathroom needed some color too! Before:

I love how well the white lines stand out- next time I think I'd make it a little more blended together rather than such obvious brushstrokes. Still, not bad for not spending a dime!

Like I said before, if you want to join the challenge, visit Tiffany over at Living Savvy and grab the button!

Living Savvy

I still have a healthy stock of canvases in the spare room ready for decorating- any ideas?


  1. Well chevron and mint green are two of my favorite things so clearly I love this! I need to stock up on canvases like you-I will go separate times to use the 40% off coupon though. You did a phenomenal job!

    1. They've been having ridiculous deals lately on canvases- and buying them in the 2 or 5 packs is always wayyyy cheaper!

  2. Love this! What a simple way to dress up that wall. Glad the tape came in handy!!

  3. I have been obsessed with chevron and saw a few different artist canvas' that I really wanted, but they were so pricy. I think I need to attempt to make my own now. xo

    1. Definitely try to make your own- I got my canvas at Michael's Crafts for like $2 originally- and acrylic paint only costs 50 cents a bottle or so- Hope you try it out and put the result on your blog!

  4. thanks for linking up to Make it monday! I've share your project on the Brassy Apple FB page! :)

    1. Thanks Megan! I just realized I wasn't a fan on FB of your blog but am now!!

  5. This turned out so awesome! I have the same one pinned, and have been waiting to make it because I am not sure I have the right place for it! Thank you so much for posting and taking the challenge! {hugs}

    1. Of course! I'll be doing another project for the challenge next week too!!

  6. this is so cute and looks so easy! I have to try!

    1. It is ridiculously easy- If you do make one I hope you blog it so I can see it too!!

  7. I am so impressed that you made this! Clearly, you have a talent for DIY.

  8. I love this! I tried to do some painting today and I didn't like the finished product so this is such a good way for me to reuse that canvas!

  9. How cute is that?! Love it and you made it look easy!

  10. WOW!!!! I love it!!!!! I want to copy it too!!! Such a fun way to bring some color into a room! And I am really excited I found this post because I just moved & have been spending WAY too much money I don't have.. so I am going to go check out all these past posts on spending no money to get some good inspiration!

    1. Ooo i hope you do copy it! Haha if you do post it so I can see what you came up with!! xo

  11. This looks so awesome! I HAVE to do this! And I HAVE to join Pinterest .


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