
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels

What's that you say? You're looking for a new addictive snack? Okay!

This snack is ridiculously easy to make, and is majorly yummy. I got the recipe from here, but I made a smaller version. I think a whole huge bag of pretzels this delicious would be a little too dangerous around here.
You'll need:
8 oz pretzels (I used the windowpane ones- they hold the cinnamon sugar the best!)
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup sugar

How to make it happen (super tricky, I know):
1. Preheat your oven to 300 degrees
2.  Mix together your sugar,oil, and cinnamon
3. Coat pretzels in the sugary mixture and bake for 25 minutes in a baking dish.

 This will be your finished product:

Sugary and delicious with a hint of salt from the pretzels- Which - fun fact- I couldn't pronounce for a while as a kid, I used to say "prezzles". I managed to master cinnamon- and yet not pretzels. Bummer.

Willing to pass on the Girl Scout cookies for a bit and try these? They're worth it, I promise!


  1. wow, those look very yummy. guess I know what I'll be making for a snack soon.

  2. yum. Anything is better with a little cinnamon! How 'bout a bit a red pepper, my friend? mmmmmm....

    1. oo gwen, you bold lady. actually...chocolate chile pretzels sound really good.. i am SO working on that recipe tomorrow...

  3. These look delicious! And I definitely need to put down the girl scout cookies at this point. Hopefully trying these out this weekend! xx

  4. BAH! I have all of the ingredients and I'm hungry! Yum-o.

  5. Good job on the pretzels. I agree, a whole bag is too much (for various reasons.) :)

  6. Those sound delish! & easy enough to make :)



  7. Oooooooh. I love cinnamon...and I love sugar...I don't really like pretzels BUT pretzels covered in the aforementioned? I think I could like that.

  8. My hubz would LOVE these!! I printed this out so that I can make them for him this weekend. I'm sure I'll enjoy them too, of course! ;) Thanks for sharing!!

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  9. I can't wait to make these! I LOVE your blog! I'm linking to it in my post today :)

  10. Woah this looks so good! I want to eat them all :D




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