
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Parmesan Herb & Garlic Twists

You all will simultaneously love me and hate me for this recipe.
You'll love me because it's easy and delicious.
You'll hate me because it's addictive not at all healthy.

I saw a million recipes for assorted cheese twists on Pinterest, and for some reason I thought they used Crescent Rolls... well I was wrong. They used either puff pastry, buttermilk biscuit rolls, or a homemade I decided to just throw random things in a bowl and see how it all turned out.

Without further ado, may I present to you... Parmesan Herb & Garlic Twists!
WHAT YOU'LL NEED (Makes 8 twists):
- 1 tube crescent rolls (Pillsbury or generic)
- 2 Tablespoons of butter
- 1 Teaspoon dried parsley
- 1/2 Teaspoon dried oregano
- 1/4 Teaspoon black pepper
- 2 cloves fresh garlic, minced 
- 1/4 cup (about) grated Parmesan cheese
- Parchment paper


Step 1: Preheat your oven to 350 (or whatever your crescent roll tube says to do)

Step 2: Melt your butter and mix it with the parsley, oregano, black pepper, and garlic. 
Step 3: Unroll your crescent triangles and spread them out on a parchment lined cookie sheet.
Step 4: Spread an even layer of your buttery-herb goodness mixture on the triangles.
Step 5: Pull out the triangles a bit and twist them up:
Step 6: Spread another layer of your mixture on top of the twists and top with Parmesan cheese.
Step 7: Throw them in the oven and bake as the tube directs- pull them out when golden brown:

Is your mouth watering yet!?
Seriously. Soft, chewy, garlic-y magic. 
Next time I think I'll make them a little more unhealthy by putting Parmesan cheese inside of them too, because life is just better with cheese, my friends. It's a fact.

Anyone else love cheese this much? 
(You can take the girl outta the Midwest, but you can't take the Midwest outta the girl)

Psssst- I'm working on a nav bar for my blog- so far I've only finished compiling my Food Love & Recipes- go check it out!!!
xo, lp


  1. You are absolutely right that cheese makes everything better...these look amazing!!

  2. OMG I literally just had to scroll as fast as I could to the bottom so I wouldn't state at those INCREDIBLE looking foodie pix for too long! I started a major diet yesterday and my stomach has been growling 24/7 (the idea is to shrink my stomach and trick it into wanting a regular sized portion since I eat like 3x's a regular portion ha!) Have a wonderful day, Laura!

  3. YUM. will def have to try these out. tonight.

  4. These look amazing! Cheese = heaven!

  5. omg, I want these now! I can't get over how easey they are to make...which just means I can make them more often :)

  6. Oh man, I am quite obsessed with any recipe involving crescent rolls. These look DELICIOUS!! I have some in my fridge and am now tempted to make these tonight. You're right - this is now a love/hate relationship :)

    Thanks for your comment from last week's post! I just started following and hope you do too!

    xx, Allie

  7. All of these ingredients are currently in my fridge. I think I will be making this very, very soon!... Looks yummy!

  8. Mmm you had me at garlic! Moving to Wisconsin has definitely taken my cheese consumption to whole new levels but I'm not complaining :)

  9. yum! These look great!


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