
Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Here's what's going to happen:
You're going to make this recipe, and then email me thanking me later.
Because it's easy & delicious.
Another reason?
Because it seems fancy if you make it for dinner guests. Even though its just juice, water, and sugar.
I give to you:

I had never had granita until the fine dining restaurant I used to work at started making it. They were geniuses, because it costs next to nothing to make (great margins, guys!), but is so. dang. good. It takes a little patience, but the end result is worth it.

What you'll need to make it happen:
3 cups water
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups freshly squeeze lime juice
10 basil leaves
zest of one lime (more if you want to garnish with it)

How to make it happen:
Step 1: Mix your sugar, basil leaves, and water in a sauce pan, and bring to a boil while stirring. Let simmer for a minute, and set aside to cool for about an hour. If you're impatient like I am, stick it in the fridge to cool it faster.
Step 2: Strain out your basil leaves, and mix in your lime juice and zest.
Step 3: Set this mixture in a 9x13 pan (mine was glass) and put it in the freezer.
Step 4: Every half hour or so, scrape the mixture with a fork, creating small crystals. Break up any large lumps! Do this on repeat for a couple of hours, or until well frozen into crystals.
Step 5: Serve in a small bowl, grate lime zest over and garnish with basil leaves!

* If you want more of a strong basil flavor, you can always thinly shred basil leaves and add them to the frozen mixture!
* If limes are too sour for you, try a little bit sweeter of a fruit!
* To make it even more fun, add a low alcohol liqueur to the mix. I'm going to try grapefruit juice and Campari next I think...

What flavor granita will you be making?
*yes, I said will be, not would! make it people!

xo, lp


  1. I will have to try this soon! looks so yummy!

  2. I WILL make the lime! yum :)

    xo SideSmile,

    SideSmile Style Blog

  3. Oh my gosh yum! I need to make this immediately! xo

  4. I LOVE basil and citrus! This sounds amazing! And your photos look great too ;)

  5. You make juice, water and sugar look good! How simple, I'll definitely have to make this soon!


  6. YUM. I definitely have to try this. Thanks girly!

  7. Hmmm ... this combination sounds interesting. I've made a granita with grape juice; that was, as you'd expect, very sweet. My husband likes lime, but I'm not sure he'd like the basil with it. :)

  8. Wow, this looks ridiculously good!! I wish I had more time to make desserts and yummy treats!

  9. mm, next scrabble night lets make this!! looks delicious laura! :)

    also, do you have the gray ikea dish set? like in your 2nd picture! i think i have the same one: )

  10. I am officially intrigued by this. Need to make it while this summer heat is still around.


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