
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

WINTER VEGETABLE SOUP [even carnivores will love it]

I'm the pickiest soup eater ever.

I either like pureed soups, or chunky soups that only have specific veggies in them. I don't like beans, celery, or tomatoes in soup. Like I said : pickiest. soup. eater. ever. 

Thus, this soup HAS to be awesome for me to love it. Trust me.
What's even better is that it's a crock pot recipe, so work is minimal!
Now, let me say first Michael did most of the work in this soup. I supervised, and we both made seasoning decisions (crucial, of course). Just had to give him credit as the real soup maker in the house...

What you'll need to make it happen:
32 ounces of vegetable stock // 8 ounces water // 6 ounces tomato paste
2 cups chopped carrots // 2 cups chopped cauliflower // 2 cups chopped red potatoes
2 cloves garlic, minced // 2 small onions, chopped // 3 tablespoons pesto
1 tsp salt // 2 tsp black pepper // 2 tsp dried oregano // 2 Tbsp olive oil
dried parsley for garnish

How to make it happen:
Step 1: Throw your vegetable stock, water, tomato paste, olive oil, pesto, carrots, and potatoes in your crock pot (let cook for 30 minutes).
Step 2: While that cooks, sautee your onions in a little oil or butter and set aside.
Step 3: Throw in your cauliflower, onions, and seasonings, and let it go!

* You can absolutely throw all your veggies in at once, I just wanted to keep the cauliflower from getting too cooked down
** As it is with crockpots, either let it on all day on low so it's ready for dinner, or cook it on high so it's ready to enjoy in a few hours
 Crunchy bread is also absolutely necessary! 

Easy, right?
Nothing like a warm, flavorful soup to get rid of the chill of winter (Yes I can say winter- it was snowing again today)!

What's your favorite winter soup?
Email me your recipes/ideas:!

xo, lp


  1. FINALLY! A soup eater twin! I don't like any of those things either and this sounds like a soup I could love. Adding it to the list for this weekend-perfect way to warm up! Can't wait!

  2. Literally my boyfriend will only eat one soup without meat, tomato. Otherwise, I've gotta throw meat in it.

  3. I'm a huge fan of soups with potatoes in it...this looks so yummy! And you're so right: bread is a must!

    The Glossy Life

  4. OH MY. I think this is maybe one of the favorites of mine as far as recipes go on your blog. This looks so damn good... I don't know if maybe because it's finally below 60 degrees here or what but I want some of this like today.

  5. Yum! This looks really good and hearty. Can't wait to try it!

    Visiting from Tasty Tuesdays :)

  6. all i want to eat right now is SOUP! mmm mm so goood

  7. Soup is a very important topic as it gets cold. My favorites are a veggie chili (3 kinds of beans and corn with random veggies added in as needed (taters, zucchini, 'shrooms) ), corn chowder with peppers and potatoes, tomato soup with rice, and cream of mushroom!! So delicious, and also, sneakily vegetarian.

  8. Totalyl with you on being a picky soup eater...I'm definitely going to have to try this recipe!
    Thanks for sharing Lady:)


  9. I love vegetable soup and this recipe sounds great! I'll definitely have to give it a try!

  10. OH MY GOODNESS! That sounds so good! Totally pinning this to try later! :)

  11. Love this recipe! My hubby is TOTALLY a picky soup eater (and picky in general) too! Love the addition of cauliflower- very seasonal!


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