
Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Before you tell me that frosting a cookie is not rocket science, save your breath.
Duh it's not. Rocket science is rocket science.

However, if you want to get that just brought from the bakery look- read a little further. 

Now, if you use store bought frosting- it'll be thick enough to create a shape, but won't be slick and shiny! Heartbreaking, I know. 

What you'll need to make it happen:
1 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon butter
2-3 teaspoons milk
Food coloring optional

* the butter is not 100% necessary- but it will make the icing super shiny and lovely. promise.

How to make it happen:

 There you have it. Simple, slick, shiny cookies. 

Do you have a trick to making your cookies look bakery worthy? 
Share away, I'm always looking to improve!

xo, lp

PS: Valentine's cookie post part 2 on Thursday. Stay Tuned.

PPS: Looking to pin the whole tutorial? Got you covered:


  1. I just made cookies for Valentine's day the other day, and frosting them was the HARDEST part! It definitely all comes down to the frosting–no matter how careful you are, if it's dripping everywhere, it's never going to look good. Great tips!

    The Glossy Life

  2. i need to seriously get more cookie cutters. not having a ton of them is ruining my LIFE.

  3. I recently found your blog, and I love it! I just moved to the east coast from Madison, and I started a blog about that experience too, so it's funny to see someone else who was in the same boat. I don't know if I'll find my way back there, but I kind of hope I do too!

    Btw, those cookies look delicious.

  4. You crack me up! This is definitely perfectly frosting, my dear! xoxo

  5. LOVE! I'm definitely making these to give to my co-workers!

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  7. Looks perfect. I will have to use your tutorial when I make my Valentine's cookies. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!

    Twirling Clare


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