
Monday, March 4, 2013


It is Monday and I am officially freaking sick of winter. 
We're supposed to get another 10 inches of snow by tomorrow afternoon. Cool. Me and my 45 minute commute are fully flicking you off, Mother Nature. NOT COOL.
Last week I tried and rebel against the weather and wore flats. I mean, it was sunny when I left home in the morning... but then karma got me on the way home as it was blowing snow/freezing rain. Crap.

I finally have started taking #ootd shots again. For those of you who are new around these parts I usually share what I wear to work on Instagram...but it's been dark when I go to work and when I come home, so the whole outfit shot thing has been thwarted lately... or at least that's the excuse I've been using. So until daylight savings time (next week) I'll try and post some!

Speaking of these shots, last week I figured I'd do a realistic shot. Normally if I'm inside our apartment I kick everything out of the way so I don't have a ridiculous amount of mess around me. True story. But last week well... I was too lazy. So here you have it. 
My outfit + mini garden + clutch + book about the Civil War + coaster + placemat + Spike the Punch necklace + gold tray.
All of these items were exactly there on the floor- no staging. Why was a placemat on my floor you ask? I have no idea. I promise not to use it if you come over, though!

Might as well continue on the clothes streak. Dudes, GAP spring stuff is awesome. Got these two super soft tees there yesterday. Everything is 30% off through tomorrow. Boom.

I suppose I can shut up about outfits and talk about something cooler. Like mimosa bars. Saturday Dani hosted a blogger brunch for a few local ladies (Check out Maya, Fran, Lauren, Brittany & Dani!). We had mimosas & coffee with raspberry cream cheese tarts, nutella cinnamon rolls, and other pastries...all while chatting endlessly. Not a bad way to start a weekend! 
 I happen to be real life friends with Dani & her husband Josh, so after the ladies left Michael and I proceeded to stay over for another 8 hours or so. Oops! Sorry guys!

Oh crap, I almost forgot to mention, tomorrow I'll be sharing a recipe for these:
(come back'll want this recipe!)

This post is already all over the place with no hopes of turning back, so I might as well throw these in. On sale already + 30% off.  Quick Poll: Which would you go for? Brown or Aqua? 
How was your weekend, people?
Anyone else hit up the GAP sale? What'd ya get?

xo, lp

psssssssssssst: find me on Instagram here!


  1. Ummmm I will DEFINITELY be back tomorrow to find out what that deliciousness is. Sounds like you had a fun weekend! We're supposed to get some snow around here too....booooooooo.

    1. you won't be disappointed! it's delicious i promise!

  2. Ugh, MORE SNOW?! That seriously sounds miserable. I'm hoping we're in the clear here in NYC, but you can never really be sure. I can't wait for that recipe tomorrow!

    The Glossy Life

  3. I am loving the Gap right now as well. I just got the ultra skinny printed pants, and the smaller leather clutch with a tassel in blues. Love those shirts you bought.

  4. I have the pink/orange version of that clutch and love it!!

  5. My vote is for the aqua. I have some returning to do at Gap today. Perfect timing for the sale!

  6. I may be needing to head over to Gap for that sale! :) and that recipe, I'll be looking forward to that of course. Looks delish!

    1. They do have good deals in store- but the 30% off everything is online only! hope you find some good stuff!

  7. The clutch! It's amazing... either color would be great, but I tend to go with more neutrals so the tan one!

  8. Gap is amazing this season...I went to the downtown store and wanted to buy everything - it was very dangerous! So nice meeting you at Dani's this weekend - hope you ladies had fun crafting :)


  9. i like when shots are a little messy! we're all real people here. c'mon. :-) um, a mimosa bar and bloggy brunch? that sounds just about perfect. i'll bring some chocolate chip muffins and be over in a jiffy!

  10. hehe well when they have such cute clothes... can't blame ya for talking about them so much!


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