
Tuesday, October 15, 2013


So last year, actually almost exactly 1 year ago to the date, I posted my favorite pumpkin seed recipe
It's my go to, kind of spicy, perfectly salty recipe. 
This year I wanted to try something a little different, so I whipped out my Kernel Season's Ranch. I know you remember them from my Parmesan Garlic Popcorn post, right? Such a groupie, I know.
Anyways, not only is their stuff yummy on popcorn, it is DELICIOUS on pumpkin seeds!

What you'll need:
- 1 1/2 cup Pumpkin Seeds 
- 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
- Parchment Paper

How to make it happen:
 Step 1: Preheat your oven 350 while you're gutting your pumpkin
Step 2: Clean your seeds off! No one likes pumpkin goop.
Step 3: Toss your seeds in olive oil and spread out your seeds on a parchment paper lined baking sheet.
Step 4: Sprinkle with Ranch seasoning and bake for 10 minutes.
Step 5: Flip your seeds over, and bake for another 15 minutes, until golden brown!
 There is nothing better than pumpkin seeds in the fall. I don't like pumpkin flavored things...except these seeds!

What's one of your favorite fall snacks?
If you like pumpkin seeds, you MUST try this recipe!

xo, lp


  1. STOP IT RIGHT NOW! Pumpkin seeds are my favorite, as is ranch, so right now I'm sitting at my desk convinced you put this up just for me. Thank you for that!

  2. ooooo yummmm. i need to find some vegan ranch seasoning STAT!!! those look delish!

    Lauren | Blissful Happenings

  3. These looks delish!! I can't wait to try!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

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  24. The best well defined Abs diet alludes to the dietary arrangement that will prompt the expansion in the blazing and loss of overabundance fats in the body while keeping up the ordinary body muscles mass, quality and shape. We as a whole need a thin body that is solid and solid. The vast majority submit a considerable measure of missteps as they attempt to invoke the eating methodologies that can viably supplement their Abs workouts.

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  26. Specialists say that in accomplishing the best possible weight reduction is not as a matter of course essential to lose muscle weight first since it won't attach the procedure of digestion system. Metabolic rate could be influenced by numerous variables that incorporates age, sex, hereditary qualities, weight, bulk, muscle to fat quotients, eating routine and way of life. Among the best rec center workouts for ladies are vigorous trainings on the grounds that the methods will blaze fat calories and incline muscles through weight lifting and interim preparing.

  27. The best time to chip away at your unfortunate propensities, is the point at which you are doing other sound things. The hardest thing there is to rolling out improvements throughout your life, is to persuade yourself to just begin. After you have at long last made the begin, then it is simply keeping on gaining ground step by step. You will make picks up before you know it, and ideally you will have another long lasting attempt. These quality preparing activities can be extremely helpful in any case If you wish to get the best results an orderly program might be exceptionally suggested.

  28. Above all some examination has demonstrated that there was no knee precariousness found in competitors who utilized the squat activity at 130%-200% of body weight twice per week as a piece of their off-season preparing program. Plainly playing out the squat, in its actual type of bowing the knees into the profound position, where the thighs go underneath parallel and the knees are forward over the toes is not negative to knee wellbeing. This, as well as the full squat enhances quality through scope of development giving you firm more tightly legs.

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  30. It has been decent for me. I appreciate the orderly lessons. I generally feel that I can approach somebody for help or to answer an inquiry and not be made to feel dumb when I do. I like that they can see the same thing I am taking a gander at and specifically help me finish my assignment," says Judy. The name of Tiger Woods will dependably be compared with golf. He has advanced the game so much that the more youthful era has now been able to know a game that lone used to get the consideration of the more established retiree-era.

  31. Anybody wants to do when you are busting your butt to improve your fitness or shatter your personal objectives is to take a day or two off to relax. A big

  32. Before you know it you will be hitting new personal bests and improving your all round media, I seriously suggest you try these suggestions out your gym buddies won't be able to understand just how you're getting the additional raises and added

  33. Overall tone by taking a healthier diet strategy. This includes taking a significant quantity regardless of whether you are training or not. Protein is actually the foundations for muscle tissue. The more you have the more you possibly can create '

  34. Developed and sufficiently little to fit into your bag and take wherever you go, ready to be used at a moment's observe. Most can be washed out under the faucet, so there won't be any flaky bits of skin shedding into your bag or bag! Dense, flaky and

  35. Your exciting day, right? Oh, and waking up without all the discomfort might be preferable too, yes? Being able to breathe after a 10k run at least as fast as you can nowadays after climbing a individual set of stairs? Another favorite of individuals in

  36. Include walnuts, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, peanuts etc. diet program plan. Just a small serving a day can be of fine help in improving androgenic hormonal or testosterone normally. 3. Boost your Zinc Consumption Zinc is a mineral that is known for improving androgenic hormonal or testosterone in men. Aromatase is an compound

  37. Protein necessary protein as it digests considerably quicker than solid foods but this does not build a distinction to your outcomes. Keep it fluid - Again, this allows your entire human body to process these healthy value considerably quicker allowing your entire human body to shuttle these healthy value to your damaged muscle tissue.

  38. program and 25% coaching. Get your everyday diet program right and use the above tips and you will eventually start to see those ab muscle tissue pop out. The key is commitment and long-term self-discipline. Success will not happen overnight, within

  39. Anyone with diabetes must remain diligent about legs want to avoid serious problems. Diabetics generally have problems with poor blood flow to the bottom extremities, which can result in nerve harm in the legs. Even a minor harm or issue

  40. Downed a whole container of Dianabol at each meal. That's 100 tablets each container, 3 periods a day, and that's on top of probably 2,000 to 3,000 mg a 7 days of injectables! Some of the top Mr. Olympia contestants in those times would take as

  41. The muscles unwittingly solidify as a result of the feelings felt by the individual. The issue begins when the muscles don't about-face to their typical loose state even after the strained circumstance has as of now cruised by. It makes the back agonies and sore muscles felt by a focused on person.

  42. One of the most effective to stimulate the arms throughout a bicep or tricep muscle tissue activity is to utilize fat holds either through portable clip on holds, or an Olympic fat bar (If neither of these choices are available at your gym, then there are a number of affordable choices online.


  43. Objective Setting Before you start you need to set some realistic objectives that are personal to you! If you don't have objectives then you're coaching and dieting becomes less specific. Achieving your objectives regularly will motivate you to keep going and practice harder and diet strategy smarter.


  44. Focus on kind versus reps. Lots of bootcamp style classes are all about circuit coaching and exhausting muscle (and you) as soon as possible. This certainly can get you ripped up quick, but if you're not careful it can lead to damage.

  45. Around the gym like you're Ronnie Coleman, you're consuming enough to keep a rugby team going but let me ask you a question. How are things in the relax department? I know this sounds a rather odd..


Each and every comment absolutely makes my day! Thanks for taking the time to share some love, stop by again soon!