
Friday, March 21, 2014


Here's the weekly roundup of fantastic internet finds!
1. I am OBSESSED with this DIY painting. I will hands down be trying it soon. I've done potato stamped canvases before- but the dark background of this is just fab. 

2. Long Distance Loving's round up of the Pantone colors of spring 2014 in clothing was beyond lovely to look at!

3. I'll be talking more about these cards next week- but you GUYS! Snail mail is back, and when it's served snarky? Even better. Love that you can mix & match these witty cards in packs of 2-8!

4. Spring is here- can I get an AMEN!? Time to get some new flats in the mix- and these floral beauties from Gap are a must have! 

5. I talk about how my sister is amazing all the time- she owns her own photography company, online boutique, and now she is making and selling ceramics. WHAT CAN'T SHE DO? Love this abstract-y pinch bowl!

6. I grew up not liking my birthstone because I've never been a purple person- but this DIY from Design Love Fest makes me rethink my view on amethyst!

What have you found that's lovely around the internet this week?
Happy Friday, lovelies!

xo, lp


  1. I'm in the market for new flats--I need to get myself to a Gap, pronto! Mine always get so stinky and worn down after only a season. :(

    1. i am totally in the same boat! i feel like most of mine just need to be tossed out!!!

  2. That mirror is amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  3. You are the sweetest! Thank you so much for including me, Laura! HAPPY FRIDAY! xoxo {av}


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