
Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I've been posting a lot of sweets & boozy recipes on the blog here lately, so I figured it was time for a healthy bite!
This recipe just calls for a couple ingredients, and if you don't like roasted veggies now, after this post- you juuuuust might. I mean, there's sriracha in it, so you know it's legit.

What you'll need to make it happen:
- 3 cups cauliflower, cut bit sized
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 tsp sriracha (feel free to double/triple that amount if need be)
- sea salt
- lime *optional

How to make it happen:
Step 1: Preheat your oven to 350
Step 2: Whisk together your olive oil & sriracha, and mix in your cauliflower until well coated
Step 3: Sprinkle with sea salt & spread out on a foil lined baking sheet.
Step 4: Roast for 30 minutes, rotating to keep one size from over-browning midway through
Step 5: Turn on the broil for 2-3 minutes until top is browned, serve and enjoy!
*optional: squeeze some lime juice over the top for a tangy kick!

If you're a spice lover, feel free to load up with as much sriracha as need be :)

What's your favorite way to roast veggies?
Send your great recipes my way, I'd love to try them!

xo, lp

**for more food recipes, go here!
**to find me on instagram, go here!


  1. I'm definitely going to try this .. my veggies have been too boring lately :)

  2. I love anything with sriracha! I'll definitely try thanks!

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