
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Work Holiday Party

Before I get into today's post- I've got to reiterate how easy and delicious the homemade caramels were from yesterday's post- if you haven't gone out to get the 5 ingredients it takes to make it-
GO! RUN! Do it now! Or at least after checking out today's post...

We had our holiday party for work the other night at my house- and I wish I could say I wore something this lovely. What I actually wore? Skinny jeans and a flannel shirt. Yep. You can take the girl out of Minnesota, but you can't take the Minnesota out of the girl. In my defense- the party was just a low-key shindig at my house- not a glamorous night at a fancy restaurant!

If you happen to be having a holiday party that's a fancy affair- try this outfit!

Work Holiday Party

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