
Thursday, May 3, 2012


** disclaimer: i don't feel like capitalizing anything today. past english teachers (&mom), i apologize. **

a while back i took a stab at abstract art. i was flattered by all the sweet comments people left - both short and long ones about my "art". to those great people who take the time to share your thoughts; THANK YOU! you all just make my day.
From At The Pink of Perfection Etsy shop [buy it here]
today i thought i'd share some of the bloggers i love, and a few of their posts/projects/recipes/how-tos that i've loved and just have to share. thanks for being inspirations you talented ladies!

through the blogging world, i.....

learned how to do a sock bun from carly  [a simple affair]

found out how to master beachy waves from  emily [cupcakes and cashmere]

got the courage to buy red denim after all the inspiration from lauren [stylized existence]

wished i celebrated easter after seeing glamorous eggs by kelly [fabulous k]

imagined i might actually be able to pull off a maxi dress because of lauren [la petite fashionista]

appreciated an honest/personal view on love from paige [approaching joy]

saw a DIY opportunity in my near future from anna [a newfound treasure]

had some major bookcase envy over the built-ins by emily [recently]

found a great use for old wine corks from tiffany [living savvy]

wiped the drool from my mouth after seeing this recipe from alissa [33 shades of green]

had major photo frame idea envy of nikki [the salty pineapple]

got the best party ideas (&basically ever DIY idea) from jordan [oh happy day!]

take a minute to click through a few links and show these talented ladies some love! 

who/what has inspired you in the blogging world?

xo, lp


  1. Thanks for the mention chick! You're right- these are some amazing people to be inspired by. I especially dig Tiffany's wine cork ampersand!! Happy Thursday!

  2. so, riddle me this, who has inspired you to be funny? i'm just kidding. or am i? i love ALL of these links. awesome post.

    1. damn. next time i'll just have a post straight up dedicated to you. no messing around with all these other bloggers...

  3. awww you are too sweet :)

    i love the blogger appreciation day! it is such an incredible support system!

  4. you are very sweet. thank you for including me. so glad this little bloggie world brought us together.... now, i'd LOVE to see an outfit post with your red jeans as the feature.... come on! :) xoxo

    1. haha if i could get the boyfriend to take a decent picture i might just do that...

  5. Thanks for sharing such great blogs! I'm checking them out right now :)

  6. Thanks for introducing me to such awesome DIYs! And I totally love and appreciate the disclaimer ;)

  7. Thanks for sharing these awesome DIYs! And I totally love and appreciate the disclaimer ;)

  8. Why, thank you for the love sweet girl!! Excited to find some new inspiration from your list!

  9. Oh I love this. I have been inspired by so many bloggers, Anna of In Honor of Design, Grace of Sequins and Stripes, Lindsay of Delighted Momma...the list goes on and on! :)

  10. I love love love going through and reading all of these!! What amazing posts. Thank you so much for that, sweet friend. Keep all the inspiration coming :)

  11. Thanks for featuring me! I can't wait to see the others, love finding new blogs to follow!

  12. Oh my gosh, you are amazing and just the sweetest! LOVE reading these other posts! You do a mean sock bun! xo


Each and every comment absolutely makes my day! Thanks for taking the time to share some love, stop by again soon!