
Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I didn't post on Monday because I was busy...celebrating Labor Day?
Sure. We'll go with that. Thus, I'm making up for a Monday post here.
This is what last week looked like:

This is my favorite shot from Labor Day. If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen this...but check out Michael blowing up my pool floaty-bed-thing. What a guy!
These perfect cards from River & Bridge came last week, thanks to Heather & Heather (confusing, no?). Please note the awesome WI "greetings from the Badger state" cards. Yup.  Go check out R&B, people.
 Almost as awesome is my Goodwill haul. Yeah. I said Goodwill. They opened up a brand new one nearby our apartment and I got all these goodies and some frames for $10. I see some DIY projects in my future friends. (P.S. Isn't our carpet just an oh-so-lovely shade of taupe? At least it's new. Thanks landlords)
 It's been hot here in Wisconsin, and yet I'm being stubborn and dressing for fall. Whatever.
I've never been someone who's fallen into the trendy category (understatement of the century), yet here I am with chambray, leopard, burgundy, and colored chinos. Oh, and anchors for good measure. Well done blogs and other forms of social media: you've officially influenced me. 
In other wildly exciting news, I love this sweater (seriously fall, GET HERE). 25% off too. I can get down with that. Any other takers?
How was your long weekend? Any pool floaties involved?
Next time give me a heads up, I'll send Michael to blow them up for ya.



  1. Hahaha love that picture of Michael!! And those cards are so cute!


  2. can we go thrifting together, PLEASE? :) & obsessed with the sconnie cards

  3. Okay, are we on the same wave length or what???? Love it that our words were almost identical!! ;) That's why we are friends!!!! That picture of Michael is AWESOME! What a man!

  4. Glad you enjoyed your holiday ;) what a guy, what a guy! I did nothingggg.

  5. hahaha what a great picture. I love your outfit posts of the weekend and I think that sweater is perfect for fall! great color and it looks so comfy! I hope you're having a great week, if you have time I'd love for you to stop by Twirling Clare to enter my giveaway from Brighthouse Baubles. The winner will be announced on Friday!
    Twirling Clare

  6. The cards are awesome!!! we have been cheeted of the Labour day holiday in Norway so there was no long weekend :(

    love K

  7. You've given me a great idea...head to Goodwill and see if anything pops out for a DIY. Great idea! I love that he blew up a floaty for you. hahaha.


Each and every comment absolutely makes my day! Thanks for taking the time to share some love, stop by again soon!