
Monday, September 24, 2012


Oh hiiiiiiiiiiiii friends.
Yes, all of those "i"s were necessary.
It's 9:45 on Sunday and I'm writing this post as Michael and I watch football and eat copious amounts of white cheddar popcorn. Have I told you how much popcorn I consume? I probably shouldn't, you'd judge me. 

Nothing too crazy happened this weekend for me, other than coffee, crosswords, and fall shopping. Wild, I know.  One bright spot was seeing my pretty friend Carly from A Simple Affair. Do you all know her already? If not, go say hi to her. She's nice, I promise. 

Evidently this was my least creative week of dressing ever. How did I not realize I wore stripes 3 out of 5 days at work? This is why I will never be a personal stylist like Carly. I'd go through your closet and yell "STRIPES! YOU NEED MORE STRIPES!!!!!!!!!"
Like stripes too?
top left: forever 21 // top right: gap (get it on sale here) // bottom left: j.crew (get it on sale here

Tomorrow I'll be sharing my wildly exciting recipe for garlic kale chips. They are probably the least appetizing thing I've ever made. But also : the healthiest?

I've been on a magazine kick lately. I know nowadays you can find anything free online, but there is something so great about collecting magazines. PLUS I think giving year subscriptions to people as a gift is a thoughtful (and year-round!) present. 
I love getting home from work and seeing something in the mailbox, don't you? Between Groupon and Living Social I've signed up for a few subscriptions, and Right now Living Social has a deal for 1 year of Martha Stewart AND Everyday Food for $19 total. That is FREAKING ridiculous. I may have bought them for myself and others. HELLO holiday shopping done early! There's still a few days left to get this deal, check it out HERE.
(photo via Living Social)

Wait, wait, wait. Let's just say hypothetically I was going to get another striped top, (which I won't because then I know someone will need to hold an intervention) this would be it. Perfect. All of it.
(photo via Madewell)

This scarf makes me oh so happy. Yellow and zebras, what more could you want? Oh, please ignore the fact I look slightly blue. I blame Instagram.  Oh, and the scarf? It's from a random online shop.  find a similar one here.

What was your weekend like?
Buy any striped tops? (kiddingbutseriously).

xo, lp


  1. The scarf is perfection! And don't worry about needing a strip intervention--you mix it up enough! :)

  2. I don't think there's a such thing as too many stripes! Seriously–I'm obsessed, too! Also, that scarf is too cute, love the sunny yellow!

    The Glossy Life

  3. I don't think I own any stripes. Maybe one? Also, the only acceptable way to eat kale is stir frying it in bacon grease. seriously. It's the tastiest thing ever.

  4. You seriously crack me up. It was so amazing getting to see you yesterday-perfect way to top off my visit to Madison! And the stripes? I love 'em, but all of my love truly goes to those zebras. Perfection.

  5. I am loving those striped tops. I seriously am obsessed with stripes too. love it

  6. OMG. I love KALE chips. But I always seem to burn them. Can't wait for your post!

  7. You keep wearing those always look adorable and change it up with your accessories!! Annnnnd, I say buy that one from Madewell too! ;) Happy week, Laura!!

  8. Its okay if you wear stripes every day! I think its completely acceptable! :) I love that one you picked out!! Might just need to add that to my must have fall list!!

    go for the glam

  9. i love how you also have on a striped top in your picture on the right, too! haha. nothing wrong with it, though. it's your thing!
    i'm that way with boots. it works out because then, it makes gift shopping for me really easy ;)
    new to your blog, now following!

  10. How can I be so in love with everything you posted today?

    Ok, first...workkk the stripes. I feel like I wear them every day too.

    Second, I LOVE magazines.

    Third, that zebra scarf is fantastic!!!

  11. I think I need a stripe intervention as well. I bought 3 striped tops this weekend and wore on Saturday night and one on Sunday. It's beginning to be a problem. As for popcorn... I consume more than I should, but it's just sooo good :)

  12. Girl can never have too many stripes. And they're perfect for any season. Keep on keepin' on, missy!

  13. Oh but now I MUST have white cheddar popcorn!

    the Reverie blog

  14. I spent the weekend in the woods, but I did buy a striped top today. I think I like stripes almost as much as you like stripes! AND I totally have that zebra scarf too! Happy week!!

  15. I have never owned many things with stripes until recently I feel like my entire closet is now filled with striped shirts haha. Love that scarf. xo


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