
Monday, October 1, 2012


Happy Monday, people. 
This weekend was pretty perfect, mainly because I spent my time with my teeny tiny niece Lyddie. Other than trips to the playground and stops for strawberry ice cream, we mainly colored and talked about mermaids. Oh, to be young again. Here's the little bug herself:
(find me on instagram here)

In other news, there are still 2 days left to enter the Hibiscus Days Jewelry giveaway. If you missed out on it, you still have time to make it happen!

Last week I finally wore my new green sueded shoes. Pointy flats are best, no?
 (get your own green shoes here!)

These green gems are from Old Navy. When the hell did Old Navy get good again? I don't think I've shopped there for anything more than flip flops in over a decade. Well, that has changed dears. Besides the fact their new line of flats are already dirt cheap, until 10/2, go online and get 30% your order. Heck yes. Heck. Yes. 
 (images via Old

Tomorrow on the blog I'll be making a recipe that involves this:
(get ready)

Probably most importantly, Michael and I FINALLY are going through all the seasons of Breaking Bad. Holy crap it's good. Yikes. 

Oh, and second most importantly, I would just like to throw out the fact that I enjoy sprinkles on my Jello Chocolate Pudding. Michael says that makes me kind of like a 4 year old. Whatever. 

What was your weekend full of?
Mermaids and green suede flats, I hope.

xo, lp



  1. Your niece is SO adorable. I loved all of the Instagram pics of her this weekend! And I love those green flats. I'm going to need to hit up ON and get in on this deal!

  2. Love those green flats! Definitely going to need to hit up that sale.

  3. im excited for this recipe you may be making! and your niece, how sweet is she :) super cute blog girl! glad i stopped by from the link up! happy mon!

  4. Love your shoes - those are great finds from Old Navy!

  5. Your niece is so cute!! and love the shoes from Old Navy!!

  6. She is so precious!! and love those flats... I may have to stop by Old Navy soon!

  7. Love all of those flats & that recipe looks delicious! Just found your blog, newest follower!


  8. how did i miss those green suede shoes? they are so cute. let's make an old navy shopping trip, ASAP :) also, she truly is the cutest thing i've ever seen!!

  9. I almost bought some cute flats from Old Navy, but I'm nervous that they're not too comfortable and I have to protect my feet!

  10. Can Lyddie come over to play with my girls?? And ON has been killing it for awhile. I know, crazy, right???


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