
Monday, October 22, 2012

HI 5

Happy Monday, friends.
I don't know what the weather was like in your area, but it was picture perfect here. The Midwest can't seem to decide if it wants to be fall or winter, and this weekend it decided to switch back to 60s and sunny. Amazing, I tell you.
We celebrated one friend's birthday, and said goodbye to another moving to DC. For all you pretty DC bloggers, your city just gained one very handsome man- you're welcome!
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Tuesday night Michael and I went to our favorite place for dinner... who says date night has to be on Friday, right? Having a slow, relaxing dinner makes you forget it's the work week, doesn't it?
(if you're ever in Madison, eat here!)

I had grand plans for a bunch of little pumpkins I bought, but this is all my laziness would allow:
(more on themWednesday)

Per usual, a few #ootd shots:
1. red pants here and necklace here
2. polka dots: similar here and here  
3. maroon sweater: similar here and gold scarf: similar here
4. necklace: spikethepunch

 Tomorrow I'll be sharing this recipe:
(so. so. good.)

Finally, how awesome (and nerdy) and perfect are these Kate Spade mittens!?! Need these, I think...

How was your weekend friends?
Now on a serious note...what's your take on the Hi-5 mittens? Lame? Awesome? Necessary?

xo, lp


  1. How fun are those gloves?! And yes, bless the Midewest's little heart for granting us 70 degree weather yesterday! Can't complain over here, only if the Hawkeys had been blessed with a better game on Saturday! :/ ha

  2. I think the painted pumpkin trend is kinda fun! Look forward to reading about yours!

  3. Um. Awesome, and highly necessary.

  4. Those mittens would make me laugh every time I looked down. Necessary.

    I've been meaning to put a D on the pumpkins outside using tacks for about three weeks. Still hasn't happened. Yours look great!


  5. You seriously have the best necklace collection. Love both of the statement pieces in your outfit sh

    The Glossy Life


    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  7. I must have those mittens!! if only i could justify buying those, but here in So Cali we just finished a 90 degree "heatwave" and will be having 70-80 degree weather this week and love your outfit posts :)


Each and every comment absolutely makes my day! Thanks for taking the time to share some love, stop by again soon!