
Thursday, December 6, 2012


Do you pretty people follow me on Instagram?
If so, you already saw this picture a few weeks back of an awesome WI print:

That guy is from an awesome Etsy shop called B&A Prints.
I am on Etsy way too much for my own good, and whenever I find a good shop I have to you may remember from this post...or this one !

I found B&A Prints when I was looking for some new state art to add to the apartment, and I couldn't  help but share their awesome prints (and kind of amazing prices). How much, you ask? For an awesome state print like my WI one- it's only $12.50. YEAH. $12.50. What's even better is you can get them in any color:
Oh, and these "eye chart" prints? $9.50. Please tell me where else you can find quirky fun prints for a price like that!
 When I contacted Ben and Ashley to tell them how kick butt their shop was (and to ask permission to use photos from their shop in a feature post) they sent me that WI print. What was even sweeter was they altered the print to have the town I currently live in included! Without me even asking! 

SO. If you're looking for a lovely holiday gift for someone, check out B&A Prints. I can promise Ben & Ashley are insanely nice, and the quality of the prints they make is top notch.
 (AND $12.50? COME ON. You can get one of these for everyone you dang know and still be under budget!) 

Some fun ideas:
* Art from whatever state you went to college in for college/sorority friends
* Gift for your significant other of state where you met/live
* A print of a state of where you're from for your parents/siblings

Find B&A Prints....
On Etsy HERE
On Facebook HERE
On Twitter HERE

Have anyone on your list that would love one of these prints?
Which one would you get them? I'm loving the "eye chart" ones!

xo, lp

*** all photos are from B&A Prints on Etsy ***

pssssssst: NO, B&A prints did not ask me to write this post. I contacted them telling them I was going to feature them, asked permission for photos, and went on my merry way. They were nice enough to send me a print just because. Yeah. Not every day you meet shopowners that nice!


  1. i love that first print!I see where we live!

  2. Loving the state ones! Would love a blue florida print with a cute orange frame!!

    Don't forget, the giveaway going on at Cotton's Pickins ends at midnight!

  3. These are gorgeous and so unique! Etsy is so amazing, and I love supporting "mom and pop" businesses!

    The Glossy Life

  4. Thanks for posting this! Perfect gift for my brother and sister-in-law, one of his state, one of her state. You saved me!

    1. Heehee of course! Hope they love the prints you get!

  5. Love the state prints!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

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Each and every comment absolutely makes my day! Thanks for taking the time to share some love, stop by again soon!