
Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I take a ton of pictures of the sky on Instagram.
Yeah, yeah, I know. REAL original, right? I know along with brunch, manicures, and cats that the sky has got to be the most overly taken subject for peoples' oh so creative shots. It may not be an earth shattering, mind blowing picture time after time- but put it all together and it makes one hell of a collage, right?

Springtime in Wisconsin has been full of a lot of gray days and sunless skies - so I was in need of these pictures to remember that when it's good in the Midwest- it is so good!

So there it is. 
35 gorgeous skies from 35 gorgeous days!

What cliche thing do you love taking shots of?
Down with pretty sunset shots too? Find me here: @lpodlich

xo, lp

psssssssssst: leave your instagram handle in the comments so I can check out your creative shots!


  1. food. i know, i need to stop. and if the skies were this pretty in NYC, i'd take a zillion photos also.

    1. nothing wrong with food photos...except the fact they make me hungry. not cool, lady.

  2. The sunrise this morning was so purdy and I actually thought "I should take a pic and send it to Laura." haha. Obviously I take too many photos of my dog. But he is legit adorable so it's okay with me. xo.

  3. I take so many picture of food. I wish I were more interesting, but I'm not!

    1. Haha yeah I follow some really creative artists and architects and they always have these crazy shots of buildings and stuff at amazing angles and i'm like "shit, i just instagrammed some skittles..."

  4. These photos are just gorgeous!! You can't take too many pics of something something so beautiful.

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  5. This are fab!!!! I always take pictures of my fancy lattes. SO over done, but I still love it.

  6. Okay, you win IG collage of the year!! These shots are gorg! I mean, really, what did we do before the Insta? Best app EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I love this collage so much!! You take the best pictures of the sky.

  8. Flowers and trees. Hippie at heart??

  9. Your pictures are fantastic! Wisconsin is beautiful! Thanks for coming by our Party Gram today - we will be doing this every Thursday so stop by anytime.

    Love your blog! All the best ~ Sharon and Denise @BeBetsy

  10. Keep this going please, great job!


Each and every comment absolutely makes my day! Thanks for taking the time to share some love, stop by again soon!