
Thursday, April 11, 2013


 It's been dark grey and rainy for the past few days, and it's been hard to get out of a cranky mood.

I figured today I'd share some of my favorite links in the good old blogland lately!

If you don't already, go check these ladies out:

SRIRACHA POPCORN RECIPE from Christin at With a C.H. : Holy crap this looks amazing and I need to make this asap. Genius.

GOLD BAMBOO from Emily at Recently: I'm convinced every inch of her house is pure perfection. Oh. My. Goodness. 

CHERRY BLOOM RECIPE from Emily at Blue Dog Belle : Makes me with I was still living in Richmond so I could go drink these with her! Yum!

BEESLY'S NEED READ GREED from Ashley over at One Fine Day: Ashley runs this awesome series (which I've even been a part of!) and yesterday did it from the perspective of her gigantic dog. It was kiiiind of hilarious. 

CHOCOLATE OMBRE CAKE HOW TO from Erica at Fashion Meets Food: Talk about making bakery-style cakes! Insane!

Now it's YOUR turn!
What's a blog you love? Leave a website or name in the comments so I can find them!

xo, lp


  1. Oh, so many great links! There are a ton of blogs I absolutely love–it's hard to choose!

  2. If you need some good reads, and you haven't already found them (although, come on, you surely have!), try Delightfully Tacky, Karla's Closet, ...Love Maegan, or Little Green Notebook. :)

  3. Oh I love the Hey Gorgeous blog ( Rhi is such a beautiful person and she's actually planning my wedding this year! Definitely check her out :)


  4. Thanks for including my chocolate ombré cake!! xx

  5. Beesly says thanks for the dog blog love:)

  6. You are The. Best. :) Thank you. I wish my entire home was perfection, oh man I wish! Ha!


Each and every comment absolutely makes my day! Thanks for taking the time to share some love, stop by again soon!