
Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday's Fancies #62 : Simple Stripes

It is FINALLY nice out in Wisconsin. I mean really, really nice. PLUS it's wedding season, which means it's buy-a-pretty-new-dress-season. 
This stripe-inspired outfit is one I'd wear again and again!

This lovely buttercup striped dress is so perfect for summer weddings- easy to dress up with pumps for more formal weddings, or dress down with gold flip flops for the backyard shindigs! Pair it with a fun floral necklace and a catchall mint clutch and you are good to go.
OH! And this honeycomb gold bracelet is my favorite find recently. How cute is the bee detail??? Nothing like a little conversation piece to make a good talk with your random wedding table-mates! 

Where have you been finding fun wedding/summer party wear at?
Leave a link in the comments!

xo, lp

*HEY! did you enter the monogram necklace giveaway yet?? If not you can do so HERE!*


  1. Love this outfit, so pretty :)

  2. oh i love this outfit so much!!!! what a gorgeous dress!

  3. Love the mint clutch!!

  4. That dress is so adorable! I really wish I had a fun fancy event to go to this summer, I'd totally buy it!

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  9. Oh my goodness, I absolutely LOVE this look!I think I need that dress in my life. xx

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