
Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday's Fancies #68: Football Sunday

Weekends in the fall are my favorite. I mean, crisp leaves and cider are awesome and all, but what I really get excited about is Badger games on Saturday, and Packers games on Sunday. 
Now, I'm pretty superstitious and wear the same jersey every week, but if I ever change my ways I think I could get down with an outfit like this:

Comfy jeans are an obvious choice, along with some comfy driving mocs. Oh, and a big old bag to sneak beers into the tailgate or stadium (don't act like you've never done it).
This long sleeve Packers shirt & hat are obviously musts- I mean, you don't want anyone to think you're a Bears fan or anything, right? ::shudder::

What team are you rooting for this fall?

xo, lp

*update: michael called me at work at 8 am to tell me we're going to the home opener Packers game this if you'll be at Lambeau- I'll see you there! AHHH!


  1. I'm going to the Ravens home opener this weekend and I still haven't found a bag! STUPID NFL BAG BAN! Still so upset because a bag like what you found would have been perfect for games.

  2. I love that bag too... and have had my eye on those shoes! So cute!

  3. gorgeous ensemble! your blog is lovely.


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