
Monday, October 28, 2013


 Monday! It's here team!

This weekend was strange. The good things of seeing my sister and her boyfriend, going to my niece's 4th b-day party, and of course, a packers win- you just can't get much better. The bad things? Having some of the worst customer service at a  BWW. I am so baffled these days when businesses make mistakes, and don't doing anything in the least to make it right. Don't they understand the power of social media?
Enough of that. 

Here's what's good lately:

1. Last week I MET JAMES JONES AND WON PACKERS TICKETS! Whew. That's one of the most exciting sentences I've typed in a while. He came to our work- and after doing and endzone dance on stage in front of the company...I got lucky and won a set of Packers tickets! AHHHHHH!

2. Crap. Fall is freaking gorgeous in the Midwest. Can we discuss this tree? What? Magic.

3. I finally joined the dark side and got an iPhone this weekend! Big hugs to all who gave their input on Instagram for which of these cases I should purchase- I love each and everyone one of your opinionated people. Like big time. I mean, they're both gorgeous, right? 

4. Tomorrow I'll be sharing a recipe with these: 

Tell me something fantastic about your weekend!
(or chime in on which case you like better!)

xo, lp

* Psst: Isn't it time for us to be friends on Instagram yet? Find me here: @lpodlich


  1. I vote the left I phone case–I had it before I switched phones and I loved it!

    1. oooh! well great minds think alike! i cant wait to get it!

  2. Beautiful tree, really magical! I vote for second (right) case!
    Wonderful about my week? IT'S MY WICKED MID TERM WEEK! #sadstory

  3. I had my fastest 20 miler every this weekend and I'm finally starting to feel confident I can break four hours in my next marathon. Less than 3 weeks to go!

    1. OMG. 20 miler? You are insane! I cane barely run 2 miles! Good luck!!!

  4. So jelly about your fall weather and those fabulous fall trees! It's 88 degrees here today. WTF? I vote for the left iPhone case, but I support you either way. You just can't go wrong! Also, congrats on winning the Packers tickets. That's so EXCITING!!! Happy Monday!!

    1. Gahhh Texas! Hope it cools down for you soon lady!! xo


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