
Sunday, March 1, 2015


I've tried to make baked sweet potato fries multiple times- and each time they end up being a nasty soggy mess. I can't decide whether it was bad recipes or user error...but either way- not delicious.

I decided to give it one more try after seeing my favorite gals at A Beautiful Mess share a recipe I hadn't tried yet! I tweaked the seasoning a bit, and made up a different dip to go with them- but the base recipe was the same- and they turned out absolutely perfect!
sweet potato fries w/ sriracha aioli

What you'll need to make it happen:
For the Fries:
- 2 Sweet Potatoes
- 1 Tbsp CornStarch
- Salt, Pepper to taste
- 1 teaspoon Cayenne (less if you don't like spicy!)
- 2 Tbsp Canola Oil

For the Sriracha Dip
- 1/4 cup mayo
- 1 tsp Sriracha
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp garlic powder
-1/8 tsp cayenne

How to make it happen:
Step 1: Cut potatoes into evenly cut fries- the more even, the better cooking
Step 2: Soak the fries in water for 15 minutes
Step 3: Drain, Pat dry, and throw in a Ziplock bag with the cornstarch and cayenne
Step 4: Toss with 1 Tbsp canola oil and spread out evenly on a baking sheet lined with tinfoil
Step 5: Sprinkle with pepper and salt, and drizzle with other Tbsp of canola oil
Step 6: Bake at 350 for 15 minutes, flip, and then bake for another 15 minutes. If you cut your fries a little thicker, they may need more time- so bake until crispy!
Once they're cool, taste- and sprinkle with more salt/pepper to taste.
Step 7: Mix all dip ingredients together and enjoy!

You guys.
They are seriously addictive. The dip is so damn good. Yup.
easiest baked sweet potato fries!

 These are totally going to be my new go-to snack for the weekend when I'm craving some super unhealthy chips :)
Easy Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Raise your hand if you're gonna be giving these a try this week!
Let me know how they turn out!

xo, lp

For more food recipes, be sure to go HERE!

Let's be friends on Instagram, okay? You can find me here --> @lpodlich


  1. Working on my grocery list and menu right now and totally making these this weekend!!

  2. My bf loves sweet potato fries, but I've never been able to master them...I'm going to give this a shot!


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