
Monday, September 14, 2015


 Oh my gosh. Blog world! HELLO!

I haven't been posting much lately, which I guess makes me a bad blogger- but I was busy enjoying summer- so...that makes me a better human maybe? I don't know. You decide.

Here's what's been up in the last week!

1. OH MAN. This last weekend. You guuuuyyys. We had a big ol' fashioned college reunion this weekend and it was fabulous. A big group of our former Badgers drove/flew back to Madison to watch the game and celebrate the Wisconsin way! We had epic weather for the game- just look at this view:

2. Clearly I needed to take some artsy pictures. Shocking, I know. 

3. Speaking of not shocking, here's one of the most recent #everythinginrainbow order posts. Jelly Bellies for lyfe.
free month of jewelry with rocksbox! just use code "beautyandbeardxoxo"

4. A few of you signed up for Rocksbox this weekend with code "beautyandbeardxoxo" - sending virtual hugs your way- hope you love your new FREE month of jewelry! (code is still active for you ladies on the fence too! ;-) )

5. People this weekend could not get over my phone case this weekend! Details on it HERE
love this phone case

That's whats up lately with me- what's new with you all?
Anyone else READY for fall?

xo, lp

psst: for more pictures of what's been up lately, follow me on instagram HERE!


Each and every comment absolutely makes my day! Thanks for taking the time to share some love, stop by again soon!