
Monday, June 25, 2012

life lately.

This weekend went by so fast I'm not even sure it existed. 
Between working every day, attending a baseball game/surprise going away party/Sephora Richmond blogger get together, and packing our entire lives away, I am tired. Thank god for Amtrak and their super cheap shipping costs & Michael's parents for being rockstars and picking up said cheaply shipped items. I've never gone through so much packing tape in my life!
A few things of note lately:
+ My friend Tori works for the Richmond Flying Squirrels, so we went to another game on friday. She told us we'd be participating in one of those between-inning contests where fans get on the field and basically make fools of themselves. This contest was for Wawa gas stations, and involved me slingshotting (new word?) kickballs to Michael, who grabbed them and put them on a huge image of a meatball sub. The first team to slingshot and place all 4 "meatballs" on the banner wins. Simple, right? Wellll let's just say for one reason or another I only managed to shoot 2 of the 4 balls by the time the other team had placed already placed all 4. The best part of it all was after the game was over I was walking out of the stands and a little girl points at me and says "that's the meatball game girl!!!!!!!". ::sigh:: #richmondfamous

+ Jayme & Mendi of her late night cravings hosted a Richmond blogger & friends get together at Sephora. I am so bummed I'm leaving now after meeting all these wonderful ladies! Who knew there was such a wealth of blogger awesomeness in this city? Somehow I managed to take ZERO pictures. I'm counting on you, J & M.

+Not to get all sappy or anything, but I just realized this will be my last Monday post while in Richmond. wow. although we're happy with our decision to move on, the thought of leaving our first apartment together gets me a little bummed out!

What did you do this weekend?
It couldn't have been worse than being called "the meatball girl", so no complaining....


want to see a little more into the life of B&B? Find me on Instagram here! (@lpodlich)


  1. Perhaps you should change your twitter and Instagram handles to @MeatballGirl. Even with the name calling, it sounds like a great weekend. Good luck with the move.

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. Hahaha you crack me up! Too funny. Thanks for the well wishes!

  2. New follower here! Sounds like an adventurous weekend, good luck packing/moving!

  3. It was great meeting you last night!

  4. Sounds like a busy busy weekend! Good luck with the move!

  5. I can't wait for fireworks! So soon!

    xo Shane

  6. So when your bf plays in the minors, they ALWAYS make you do the stupid games and I've humiliated myself on more than one occasion. Woof.

  7. So jealous that you got to go to J&M's meetup! I love those girls! Too funny about the Meatball Game. I would have freaked out if I had to play a game in front of a bunch of people ;) Thanks for linking up!!

  8. Looks like a great weekend! Good Luck on the move! New follower looking forward to reading more :)

  9. Such a fun weekend! I'll have to ask some of my friends from richmond if they were at the game and remember the meatball girl ;) kidding kidding!

  10. Aww congrats on the move - it's a big change but I'm sure you'll be happy in the new place :)

  11. you are one busy girl! still so excited for you and your hubbys big move!


  12. How fun!! I'd be so excited/nervous to be on the baseball field!

    And I love blogger meetups - I can only imagine how much fun you had :)

    Thanks for linking up with us!!

  13. What a fun blogger meet up! Hope you have a good week and the packing goes smoothly!

  14. Awe, sweet girl, you are starting a new chapter!! So excited for you guys! And how jealous am I that you go to go to the blogger meet up with J&M and Sephora of all places!!!! No pictures, what?!? Looks like you had a jam packed weekend! ;)

    1. i know, no pictures! jayme and mendi posted some today!

  15. Other than being called meatball girl it sounds like a fun weekend! Definitely want that ice cream cone right now. Can't wait to meet you Saturday!


  16. Hey hey new friend! Can't believe we had to wait until the end of your time in RVA to meet on that. :( But we'll be following along on your journey back to the city that you love. Thanks again for coming out & hanging with us Sunday night at Sephora. You were a dollface!! Pics are going up on the blog today. ;)

    Mendi & Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings


Each and every comment absolutely makes my day! Thanks for taking the time to share some love, stop by again soon!