
Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Here's today's recipe, and it comes with a story...
Summer Drink

Back in my college bartender days there was a time I was working that a middle-aged guy came in and asked for a Salty Dog.
Me, being 19 (yes, you can bartend before 21 in Wisconsin) giggled and asked what he REALLY wanted, since I thought he was joking.
He looked at me, puzzled...and repeated that he wanted a Salty Dog. My giggles quickly turned to embarrassment- and I ducked behind the cabinet to find my cheater-cocktail guide.
It was just Gin & Grapefruit juice with a salted rim. 
At the time I thought "Ew. That sounds like the WORST thing ever!" 
(Keep in mind this was my raspberry vodka & sprite phase days...yick)
So I made him the drink, and promptly went home that night to make one for myself to try it out- and it was deee-lish. Super tart, with a bite of gin and a lick of salt.
I'd completely forgotten about the refreshing drink until the other day, when I heard someone order it in a bar. I decided it was time to go home and put a little twist on this classic by adding some of the fresh basil we had growing on our balcony. Thus, I give you the Basil Salty Dog.
Summer Cocktail

What you need to make it happen:
- 1.5 ounces Gin 
- Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
- Grapefruit wedge
- salt
- 3-4 basil leaves
- grapefruit wedge & small basil leaf for garnish
- ice

How to make it happen:
Step 1: Dip the rim of a glass in grapefruit juice, and roll in salt for a salted rim.
Step 2: Muddle 1 grapefruit wedge with a splash of gin & 3-4 basil leaves. Be careful not to muddle the pith/rind of the grapefruit or you'll get extra bitterness!
Step 3: Add ice, gin, and grapefruit juice to the glass.
Step 4: give it a stir, add your garnish, and enjoy!
Basil Grapefruit Gin

There you have it, friends.
I know grapefruit juice is a polarizing drink...but I mean, it's summertime. Even you naysayers might be moved to try this because it's so dang refreshing!

Raise your hand if you love a good cocktail with grapefruit!
Or if you don't- leave a comment with your favorite summer cocktail!

xo, lp

need more summer drink ideas?

yes you!
find me on instagram here ---> @lpodlich

1 comment:

Each and every comment absolutely makes my day! Thanks for taking the time to share some love, stop by again soon!