
Thursday, November 5, 2015


If you're new around here, you can read about how Rocksbox works from my past posts HERE and HERE .

(Also, if you don't want to hear me blab and you just want the free month- just go to and use code "beautyandbeardxoxo") 

I don't work for Rocksbox (although that would be saweeet!), but I promote it because a.) I genuinely like it, and b.) the perks. Anyone who has a Rocksbox membership can refer friends (just like any other subscription service), and when you do, you get $25 to spend on Rocksbox jewelry. This doesn't just apply to me! If you signed up today, you'd also get a code that you could pass onto your friends and you get the cash monies. Easy. Simple. 

So, enough babbling. The main question I get from people is HOW to actually get jewelry you want. It's also the center of complaints from people who have tried it- that they didn't get what they hoped for.
The long & short of it is this:
You need to be firm and clear about what you want.

Don't think you're being pushy or rude, you're not. You're paying for a service, you deserve to get what you want!
Here's how to make it happen:
Step 1: Actually take the style survey and be honest.
I'm not gonna lie, some of the questions are kind of vague, like "what outfit inspires you?!", but the ones at the end are good. If you don't wear bracelets- you let them know that. If you HATE gold jewelry, you let them know that. The more clear you are, the more likely you are to get exactly what you want. The last question is open ended and you can be as specific as you want.
free month of rocksbox with code beautyandbeardxoxo
Why do we have an issue giving feedback? Why do we feel bad to tell someone that something wasn't what we wanted? When I first started Rocksbox I felt bad giving feedback because I didn't want to be rude or hurt the stylist's feelings...which is so  dumb. I started giving clear, constructive feedback, and ended up getting better and better items. I shouted from the rooftops that I wanted Loren Hope, and I got it!
free month of rocksbox with code beautyandbeardxoxo
Step 3: Keep your Wish List short
I know, there are a million magical styles on Rocksbox, but if you have a few that you really have your eye on, keep the list short! I normally keep about 15 items on my Wish List, or maybe more if the style has a few different colors that I like.
free month of rocksbox with code beautyandbeardxoxo
So get out there. Try it out! Just use code beautyandbeardxoxo for your first month totally FREE!
Still have questions?
Send them to me at : beautyandbeard(at)gmail(dot)com
Enjoy your new baubles!
xo, lp


To see more of my favorite Rocksbox Pieces & how I've styled them, be sure to follow me on Instagram HERE!
free month of rocksbox!

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