
Monday, October 8, 2012

WE LUV IT COLD (yeah, right)

Happy Monday!

As I mentioned last week, some of my favorite people were in town this weekend: my parents! We were supposed to go camping but it was a little over 20 degrees at night, and grey/windy during the day. Miserable. Instead we spent our time enjoying some classic Madison things, including the lovely Madison Saturday Farmer's Market. As you can see, we were pretty bundled up:
(find me on instagram here)

Of course, in true Wisconsin fashion, even when it's cold people are outside enjoying what they can about fall. This sign just says it all:

A few good outfits of last week:
#1: pattern scarf (similar here) // burgundy sweater (similar here) // white skinnies // sueded wedges 
#2: stripe sweater  // dark skinny jeans  // green suede flats
#3:open stitch sweater (similar here)  // rockstar cords  // grey suede flats (similar here)

On a completely unrelated note, if anyone feels like throwin' a few hundred dollars my way, I'd be totally cool with that. This herringbone bag is my definition of pure perfection. It's down to $412 from $ if you feel like sending some love my way in the form of herringbone heaven, email me. (#butseriously).
I've got a great recipe to share on the blog don't make dinner plans, you'll want to have this:

How was your weekend, friends?
Anyone hit temperatures above 45? We sure didn't.

xo, lp


  1. That recipe looks like it encompasses everything currently in my fridge. Can't wait to see it!

    The Glossy Life

  2. i'll definitely throw some cash your way.

  3. It was a chilly weekend here in VA too! I love it though. :) That stuffed pepper concoction looks tasty, can't wait to hear about it!

  4. Love this! Are you from Madison originally? I grew up on the East side! I live in Appleton now but come by Madison at least a few times a month :)


  5. It's been cold in Chicago too! We went camping in Wisconsin a few weeks back and it was so freakin' cold!


Each and every comment absolutely makes my day! Thanks for taking the time to share some love, stop by again soon!