
Friday, March 29, 2013

Fridays Fancies #57: Pretty in Pastels

It is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally starting to feel like Spring around here! 

With Easter right around the corner I've rounded up some pretty pastel dresses for you all! I know it won't be warm enough to wear these around the Midwest for a few months still, but a girl can dream, right?

Which of these pretty pastels could you see yourself in?
The textured cream and bright floral might need to accompany me to a few weddings this summer...

xo, lp

** did you enter the GORGEOUS giveaway yet? if not, do so here! ***

Need more pastels in your life? Check a few more of my favorites:

Thursday, March 28, 2013


 Happy Thursday, friends!

I rarely, rarely do giveaways.  It's not that I don't love sharing opportunities with you all to win fun things- I mean, who doesn't love that? I just want to make sure that anytime I do a giveaway, it's for a product/shop I fully love. Besides- if you all just hung around for the giveaways...well...that'd just hurt my feelings. 

That being said, believe me when I say I am SO excited about this giveaway...and seriously jealous of whoever wins. Allow me first to introduce you to the shop, The First Snow!

Darah is the sweet Colorado shop owner behind The First Snow- a shop full of some of the most beautiful paper goods you could want! While she specializes in custom wedding invites/cards/etc, she also has an array of lovely prints and stationary.

First- for you engaged or soon to be engaged, you MUST check out her customizes save the dates, invites, thank you notes, cake toppers, and stickers. My all time favorite? The personalized "will you be my bridesmaid?" paper dolls. Stop. So. Cute.

Next- a ton of colorful, happy & sweet prints! My favorite is the Lumineers quote- I actually randomly repinned the print on Pinterest, which led me to her shop! (psssst: you have a chance to win one of these!)

Finally, her selection of cards is top notch. I haven't fully hopped on the France/Paris obsessed, macaron eating, "Oui!" necklace wearing train- but these cards have stolen my heart. The gold foil "Merci" is my favorite! (pssssst: yup you have chance to win these too!)

So now that I've rubbed all of this beauty in your face, let me tell you what you have a chance to win!

1 person will win either a set of stationary or a print shown above (up to $50 value!).
Calm yourselves. I know you're all jacked! If you can't wait to see if you win, just head on over to The First Snow and treat yo'self to something pretty right now- tell Darah I say hi!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck!
Giveaway will close 4/3/13

xo, lp

 Oh- and so we're clear, this giveaway is all just for you. I'm not getting paid for this or anything fun like that. 

**all images in this post are items and images from The First Snow. If you pin, please give the shop proper credit!**

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Have any of you all ever been groupies of something?
A show? A band? A celebrity?

I rarely get overly giddy about such things (except Adam Levine. mm-mm tattoos have never looked so good), but watch out kids, here I go, babbling about something like a little kid. 

So a while back I started following one talented dude on Instagram. Crazy creative pictures, quirky sense of humor, and sweet Pantone play with food. Sold. A week later, Instagram featured him. Boom. Double sold. 

A week after that, I find out my sister KNOWS him. Evidently the Minneapolis art community is smaller than I thought, because my talented photographer sister is friends this guy! Yes, I WARNED YOU I was going to get all 6th grade giddy, so don't act annoyed right now. So, I did the thing any mature adult would do - I told her I was a groupie and asked her to ask him for permission to use his images on the blog. Spoiler alert: he said yes!

Allow me to introduce you to a small portion of the cool art of David Schwen (or @dschwen, for you instagram fools). This is just a small window into his talented world, but I love these! He takes food pairings & turns them into Pantone gold. What's even cooler is he's offering signed, limited edition prints in his shop.

Check a few of them out:

Which of these pairings is your favorite?
I love the cocoa & marshmallows and the wasabi & soy!
(but let's be real, i'd take them all)

xo, lp

***If you plan on pinning this image, please give credit to David Schwen or DSchwen! As much as I'd love to take credit for this idea, I just can't. Sad day. ***

Don't believe me? Maybe you'll listen to Huffington Post , FoodBeast , Design Lovefest, or the 34,000 people who follow him on Instagram.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


So here's what's up.
This weekend I shared this picture on Instagram:
Since then I have gotten comments and tweets to send them in the mail, or allow for drop by guests to enjoy them. I don't blame you all. My knock-off Reese's PB Eggs rock. It's just a fact. 

Now, for those of you who are B&B lifers, you may say WAIT. LAURA. You made these last Easter. Gold stars and brownie points to you, rockstars!!! I did indeed. 

So why am I bringing them up again? A few reasons:
1. This is the only Easter recipe I have up my sleeve
2. These are delicious and everyone needs to make them
3. I had enough people ask for the recipe that I thought I'd remind you all of it!

This year I made a ton of tiny eggs too. Partially because they're cute, and partially because everyone I work with is a health nut and I knew if I made only big ones, they'd never  get eaten. 
 I promise by next Easter I'll have a new recipe! 

What's your go-to Easter treat?
If you like Reeses, you MUST make these!

xo, lp

really like peanut butter? you've gotta try my chocolate peanut butter cupcakes & my peanut butter chocolate oreo pops!

Monday, March 25, 2013


Hey friends.
You're in luck! Hopefully this is the last time I'll be whining about the weather- although it's snowing right now it is supposed to be 45 by Friday. 45 DEGREES! That's bikini weather around here! Yippee!!!!

Here's how I've been pretending it isn't still winter:

1. Wearing obnoxiously bright clothing. This picture doesn't do this shirt justice. Neee-on.

2. Making Reeses Peanut Butter eggs of all sizes (so addictive, watch out!)

3. Making chalkboard eggs (good in theory- but unless you set them somewhere right away they smudge a lot!)
4. Painting eggs and hiding them around our shelves...
5. Going to townie bars and playing shuffleboard with friends!
 6. Telling the cool people who read your blog about a sweet giveaway that'll be happening soon... (get excited people, this is a good one!)

What have YOU been doing to pretend it's not winter/get ready for spring?
If you want some PB eggs, please come over. I made wayyyy too many!

xo, lp

Pssssssssssssssssssssssst: Find me (@lpodlich) on Instagram here! 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday's Fancies #56: Spring is here! (sorta)

I'm a team player, so if {av} says the theme this week is about getting ready for spring- I'll go along with it.
Even though it's been an average of 9 degrees when I leave for work lately. Womp-womp.

If it WAS above freezing here, this is what I'd be wearing:

The thought of wearing a sleeveless shirt is crazy talk, partially because the windchill, and partially because my arms are whiter than the snow on the ground. This Equipment two tone silk top is so bright and cheery (and currently almost 70% off. say whaaaat!) and would look great with skinnies or tucked in to a cute skirt!

I'm dying to wear flats again. I freaking hate socks. Yes, I'm one of those weirdos that hates socks. Unless I'm at the gym or trudging through the snow in boots, I'm in flats every chance possible. Gap spring flats kick ass, and love these leopard guys!

As for springy accessories, I look like a Kate Spade groupie- but I'm loving these cheery flower studs, bold floral iPhone case, and neutral catchall bag

Is it feeling like spring in your neck of the woods?
Please tell me you don't have to wear a down coat and boots so I can live vicariously through you...

xo, lp

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Before you start rolling your eyes and say "LAURA. Kate Spade new arrivals have been out for WEEKS, what a lame blog post", calm yourself.

I'm aware these are hot off the press, but it doesn't make them any less pretty. So chill. Also, if you're calling my blog posts lame...just go away in general. No negative Nancys in this joint! 

Besides having cool new arrivals, dear old Kate is celebrating its 20th year with free shipping and returns in the USA. Boom.
Here are a few of my favorite (not so new) arrivals:

When I talked about J.Crew's Liberty florals I told you all that until age 12 I avoided flowers pretty much like the plague. It's true. But darn it all if some of the kate spade florals are so good looking even Vans, cargo jean wearing me would like them.

Stripes are always my jam, and these Hit Your Stride idiom bangles and stripe setting studs are right on par. And as for colorblocking, the green & navy grove court cora and linen & pink charlotte street sloan are my top picks.

Oh, and in my hypothetical iPhone world, this would be my new case. 

What do you love from the (not so) new arrivals?
I have to go with the navy & green grove court cora. I feel like it would go with everything!

xo, lp

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I love cream cheese wontons- which is strange, because I don't really like cream cheese on anything else...but maybe it's because they're usually deep fried?

Well a while back a friend made these amazing baked wontons with a whole bunch of delicious ingredients in them... and I knew I had to make some myself.

I wasn't sly enough to steal her recipe with the abundance of ingredients- so I just went the simple route and made my own with just 3 main ingredients, and then whipped up a dipping sauce. Oh man, they're good. Like, REALLY good.

Sriracha Cream Cheese Wontons (Makes about 25)
1 brick of cream cheese (8 oz)
Wonton wrappers (I used Nasoya)
3 teaspoons chopped chives
5 teaspoons Sriracha chili sauce (more if you like things extra spicy)
Olive Oil cooking spray

Spicy Soy Dipping Sauce
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons stone ground mustard
1 1/2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1  1/2 tablespoons honey
2 teaspoons Sriracha chili sauce
2 teaspoons lemon juice

This is pretty foolproof, but here are a few notes:
1. Mix together your chives, cream cheese, and Sriracha really well for the mixture:

I'm sure the images below are pretty clear, but here are a few steps for ya:
1. Use about a tablespoon of the mixture- too much will just explode out the side!
2. All you need it water to wet the edges- it'll glue the sides together really well.
3. When you fold it in half, make sure to push all the air bubbles out! You also could stop at this step and bake them like this- but the edges burn really easily...
4. Spray both sides before baking at 350 for 7 minutes. Now, this TOTALLY depends on your oven. When I make them at home they take 7 minutes. When I make them at my friend Dani's house they take 16. Watch 'em carefully!
5. For your dipping sauce? Just mix it all together & dip!
There you have it! Golden brown, crunchy, creamy, ooey gooey wontons!

The best part about them is they aren't greasy at all- I'm not saying they're healthy AT ALL, but it's nice to not have your hands full of grease while you're eating an appetizer. I can't recommend these enough. If you don't like spicy things- DON'T pass this recipe by! Just add less (or no) sriracha, and you have a still delicious crunchy snack!

 I'm making these again this weekend for a night of darts & beer with some friends...and it can't come soon enough!

What's your go-to appetizer/snack to make?
This is hands down my favorite. Did I mention they're great to make them ahead of time & just pop in the oven when you're ready?

xo, lp

Other favorites? 
Healthy Chili Garlic Broccoli
Sweet Crunchy Asian Salad
Cranberry Pecan Bleu Cheese Dip


Let's be Instagram friends, shall we?
You can find me here---> @lpodlich

*Psst: if you're an online shopper, you HAVE to use Ebates. Fer real, y'all. Find out more HERE*

Monday, March 18, 2013


Sometimes, no matter what age you are, you just need to go home and recharge. 

This weekend Michael and I headed back to Minnesota to see my parents and celebrate my dad's recent retirement from work.  Other than a scary snowstorm on our drive in , it was the perfect weekend. 

This Monday I thought I'd show ya a little bit what it's like to go home for me!

I grew up on a lake, and waking up to the view of the trees & water just never gets old:
 Another perk of being home? Finding RIDICULOUS pictures of yourself as a kid. Especially ones in sailor outfits. Proof I loved nautical things before they were trendy...
 My hometown is a little strange because it's around 27,000 people and a suburb of the Twin Cities...but feels much, much smaller than that. While there are plenty of new developments and shops, there are still a handful of old, old buildings with small family owned businesses. I mean, how many places can you still find a barbershop with the spinny blue/red/white thingy out front?!? 
 Naturally we went and got brunch & malts...

After a lazy walk around town and a lazy afternoon on the couch (back off! I had a long week at work!) my lovely talented sister came over and we did a quick photoshoot out in the snow. Maybe if you're all nice I'll show you a few more of the photos...ones that actually show my face...

Dinner was epic. My sister and her boyfriend made us all fresh veggie tempura. Ermahgerd people. We all sat around the counter with little plates and ginger soy dipping sauce while they brought us different veggies to try. For the record, my favorites once tempura-ed in order:
sweet potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, peppers, and green beans.
(oh and we tempura-ed string cheese. this is the's what we do)

I have to say it was one of the best meals I've ever had. The food was delicious, but besides that it was so good to be with the ones I love, laughing uncontrollably. Really. I was in tears a few times. My family is absolutely hilarious. Especially after a few glasses of wine...! 
 My parents are both now retired and it makes my heart swell to see them so relaxed and enjoying life. They deserve it. 

After a final breakfast with the fam and some friends on Sunday Michael and I headed back to Madison. This time the sky was insanely blue, and the roads weren't snow covered (thank goodness)! I know I shared this on Instagram, but for the blog readers that haven't seen it, this is a common thing in Wisconsin. If you're from an urban setting, you just don't see tractor crossing signs too often. now do you?

There you have it. A weekend in the life of Laura at home.
No green beer, no partying in the streets, and no glamourous outfits (I spent all of Sunday in fleece snowflake pjs). 

Mom & Dad, thanks for putting up for 25 years and being the most kick ass parents ever.
(sorry for swearing mom!)

What do you love about going home?
Tell me something good about your family. Do it.

xo, lp

Find me on Instagram HERE

Find my sister's lovely pictures HERE and her latest photography endeavor HERE

Thursday, March 14, 2013


So here's what's up:
If you follow this blog closely, you know I'm the most impatient crafter EVER. 
I don't like waiting for paint to dry. I don't like measuring perfect lines. 
I have had a random collection of frames for 7 months. Yes. SEVEN MONTHS. I've been meaning to make a gallery wall grouping, but am so damn impatient that I didn't want to take the time to measure/hang/etc the proper way. Thus, we've had a blank wall and a big ol' box full of frames kicking around. 
I want to run around fistpumping because I FINALLY got the grouping done. I might still add to it, but at least we don't have a naked wall anymore!

Here's how I (finally) did it, after checking out countless magazines/blogs:

Step 1: Lay out your frames on the floor and move 'em around until you like the look.

Step 2: Using old newspapers, measure pieces the size of your frames:

(do one for each!)

Step 3: Mark where your nail will need to be on the newspaper. Don't act like you haven't eyeballed hanging something before and it ends up being 2 inches lower or high than you anticipated...

Step 4: Hang those up with some painter's tape...
Step 5:...and put your nails in where the dots you marked!

 Step 6: Rip those papers away and hang your pretty art up! 
(And for the love of god, use a level. I promise I did after I took these pictures. Must. Fix. Crooked. Frames.)

Look how lovely it all is! 
 Please note: YES, there are a ton of different color frames. I kind of like it. I kind of don't. I have white, black, and gold spray paint ready juuuuust in case. 

I love gallery walls because every time I walk by a different print/picture catches my eye. Lately it's been my favorite custom "Choose Joy" print from Pen  & Paint.

This grouping includes prints from favorite shops, paintings by my sister & myself, cards from friends & family, gifts from loved ones. Thanks to any of you who see your stuff up there :) 

What art do you have in your home that you love?
I'm always looking to add & change art- so share shop links in the comments section!

xo, lp

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Is there such thing as a healthy scone? Maybe not. 
However, these are a slightly healthier recipe than the cranberry orange ones I made a while back! 
Plus, they have oats in them- that makes it at least sound healthy, right? Sure, let's go with it. 
What you'll need:
1 1/2 cups flour
1/4 cup light brown sugar
3/4 cup old fashioned oats (NOT quick cook!)
1/2 cup skim milk
1 stick butter
2 tsps baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon (more if you want!)
1/2 tsp salt
parchment paper

1 tablespoon melted butter
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp brown sugar
2 tsp granulated sugar (or stevia)

How to make it happen:
Step 1: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper & preheat your oven to 375.
Step 2: Mix all dry ingredients together from dough list in a large bowl. (flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt, baking powder)
Step 3: Using a knife or stand mixer mix in your butter, cutting through until mixture is a thick crumble.
Step 4: Quickly mix in your milk and beat lightly until well mixed.
Step 5: Pat dough together into a flat, slightly domed circle on your baking sheet- 6-8 inches wide.
Step 6: Spread top with melted butter and top with cinnamon sugar mixture.
Step 7: Cut into 6-8 pieces and separate on the sheet, about an inch apart. 
Step 8: Bake for 20-25 minutes (depending on how hot your oven runs). Really start watching them around 16 minutes- take out when golden or else they will be dry-yyyy and you will be bummed.

 While most scones call for cream or buttermilk, this recipe uses skim milk.
Aaaaaaand that is about the only healthy thing. Yup. Still sugar- but you can easily replace that with Stevia instead!

Anybody have an ACTUALLY healthy scone recipe?
Hook a girl up!

xo, lp

Monday, March 11, 2013


Happy Monday friends!
Hope you all had a lovely weekend. It was raining all weekend here, but it was almost 40 degrees- so I can't complain- HEAT. WAVE. 

Here are a few things that have been keeping me happy lately:

Thing 1: BaubleBar love.
If you don't already ready BB's blog, you should! Each week they do a weekly Top 10- and last week they were cool enough to throw my DIY Jewelry Display in there- pretty awesome Friday surprise!

Thing 2: Having a talented sister
I've mentioned my sister Louisa on here before, and I can never gush about her enough. Having a professional photographer as a sister ROCKS. Especially one who's actually talented. A while back she gave me this amazing photograph that's a compilation of thousands of tiny squares from other pictures she's taken. I shared a shot of it up close on Instagram this weekend. Amazing, right??

Thing 3: Tomorrow's Recipe
A (semi) healthy version of scones. Nom.

Thing 4: Bowls. Yup.
I'm officially turning into my mother- who has the largest pretty bowl collection this side of the Mississippi. No really. We lovingly tease her about it all the time...and then for every occasion feed her addiction and buy her - you guessed it - more bowls. 
Sorry. Babbling.
West Elm is having an awesome sale on tableware- tons of gorgeous plates, bowls, and mugs 20% off with free shipping! This is one of the lovely bowls I bought, thus starting the cycle of becoming my mother:
Most of the bowls/ mugs start at $6 + have free shipping. Go get yo'self some!

Thing 5: This clutch.
So this weekend I went shopping with a few friends- which is the first time I've met people at the mall since... the 10th grade? It was awesome, don't get me wrong- but they were all BAD influences. They made me think I needed this guy (currently 25% off). Dang girls. Last time I make the mistake of going out with you!

Those are my top 5...what are yours for the week?
Anyone else hit up the West Elm sale going on?

xo, lp