
Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Alternate title for this post: An Ode to Garlic.

 As you might have seen on Instagram on Sunday, I made the first batch of pesto of the season with the basil Michael has been growing. We threw it on some pasta and it was deeee-lish. Pretty sure I still smelled like garlic when I went to work today- despite brushing my teeth a few times. Oops. Sorry team. 

While normal people crave chocolate or bacon or chips- I crave garlic. I know, total weirdo. Whatever. I pretty much try and put garlic into everything I cook- and evidently some of you guys like garlic too- because some of these recipes are the most pinned I've got!

Without further ado- I give you my top 7 garlic bomb recipes:

Garlic Parmesan Quinoa (you'll never eat mac&cheese again)

Are you a garlic fiend too?
What's your best garlic-y recipe? Share it and I'll give you a (virtual) hug!

xo, lp 

don't like garlic? oh don't you worry, i've got an arsenal of recipes without it here!


  1. Mmmm love garlic hummus!

  2. Haha I'm not going to lie, I LOVE garlic, but I hate how I smell like it in the morning too! Someone once told me it comes out of your pores after you eat it–I'm not sure how true that is, but either way it's not enough to make me give it up. It's delish!

  3. Garlic is amazing. I don't have a specific recipe but like I put a ton of it in almost everything.

  4. I am obsessed with garlic. I will literally triple the amount in any recipe I can!

  5. yum, i love garlic! and now i want to make all of these!!

  6. Yes we are!! That hummus looks amazing!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  7. mmm i love all things with garlic-y goodness. i HAVE to try the parmesan quinoa!

  8. I am truly obsessed with garlic as well! My favorite garlic recipe is by far tzatziki sauce Like you said, the garlic somehow lingers after multiple teeth-brushings haha But it's so worth it!


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