Monday, August 6, 2012

life is good. really, really good.

It's MONDAY people. 
It's not like you need [or want to know] every little detail of my life (like the fact I ate grapes and half a bagel for dinner last night). But sometimes, exciting things happen and I want to share them with you. So there. While me eating breakfast foods for dinner may not be something to get jazzed about, I have a couple things that are a step or two above that on the excitement level.

1. Michael and I are OFFICIALLY moved into our new apartment in Wisconsin. It's nice. And has pools. I'm happy. We get the good old internets hooked up tomorrow, which rocks. 
1. capitol building views   //   2. fireworks to welcome us back?    //    3. pool time with Martha
4. my little lyddie bug   //    5. we live for darts.      //   6.  wi coozies, mn beer.

2. I GOT THE JOB I'VE BEEN CROSSING MY FINGERS FOR! I'll be working for the company I was already a part of, but in the corporate side of things. I cannot even express how happy I am to be working for a company I love! We were shopping in Target when I got the call and I sort of did a happy jig in the bleach/toilet bowl cleaner aisle. Claaaaa-ssy. Since I'll be working with people in the Merchandising/Buying world, I get to dress up all fun for work every day. Yes!
1.  polka dot chambray & gorjana   //   2. happy color combo of the day   //    3. i own too many stripes and gaudy necklaces.
3. I need your help! I'm looking for new, great art to fill our apartment with- and would love any recommendations of amazing Etsy shops or other places to find beautiful prints/photographs/etc. Other than my own paintings and some maps we're going to frame, we don't have many prints for the gallery wall I want to put up!
1. garage sale finds to be framed //  2. my favorite kitchen art by pen & paint //   3. DIY, naturally
Give it to me- where do you find your art/accessories for your home?
No holding out on me!


Tomorrow I'll be announcing the winner of the Pen & Paint giveaway! Stay tuned!


  1. Good luck today!!!!! I think most of our art is from home goods and Kirlands. I need to find more etsy shops!! It was soooo good to talk to you last night btw :)


  2. SO jealous that your apartment has a pool, i've been inviting myself to all my friends' places this summer to use them for their pools...

  3. Congrats on the GREAT news!!! I like to shop at Homegoods, Ross, Marshall's and TJMaxx for my art/accessories. I find a lot of one of a kind unique items there...but you have to have patience and dig!

    1. Oooh I hadn't thought about TJMaxx or Marshalls.. great idea!

  4. I'm more of a photograph person than a print person (probably because I take pictures, but whatever)! You should find a photographer close to your new home and take a few shots. :D

  5. CONGRATS!!! How exciting! I actually just got a new job this month in my company's corporate office too, how bout that! As for home wares, I love finding fun and quirky things at thrift and antique shops. I also love Homegoods and World Market. Can't wait to see your new place come together!

    1. hurray for new jobs!! congrats to you too brenda!

  6. Congrats Laura! That's really exciting stuff! I love all of your necklaces, I wish I had more like those!

  7. Congratulations on the new j-o-b!!! And I wish I could help you with the walls but mine are still bare after 11 months of living here sooo.....

  8. Congrats on finishing up the move! So exciting!

  9. Good luck with the new job! That's always as nerve wracking as the first day of school used to be. I'm horrible with art, and it tends to be whatever we've collected over the years. Have fun dressing up everyday!

  10. Congratulations on everything! Our home is decorated with photos from all of our vacations over the years. They're quite beautiful plus fun memories too!

  11. Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you! You have to tell me what company you are working curious! I wish I could find a job in this field! And yay for the new apartment. So glad you guys are getting settled in to your new adventure!!

  12. LAURA! SOO HAPPY FOR YOU!! Happy about you being into your apartment and wayy HAPPY about your new job!! I can so picture you doing a little happy dance in Target! Way to go girl!!

  13. Congrats on the new-ish job!! Happy dances are acceptable any time and any place. I really like the polks dot chambray, where did you find it? Not sure I want to spend $60 for the JCrew one i have my eye on. What a great weekend. And go Packers!!

    1. I got the chambray from Lands End Canvas-- I think they're sold out but I know Old Navy has something sort of like it out!

  14. Congrats on the job! That's AWESOME! Yay for getting dressed up everyday, too! Love that you did the happy jig in Target. Priceless! Z Gallerie is a good place for cool art as well as TJMaxx/Homegoods. Have fun!

    1. Thanks!I'll totally check out Z Gallerie! Thank you!

  15. Congrats!! I love the old maps...those will be so cool re-framed! 20x200 ( has really awesome art work as well!

  16. Congrats on the job!!! :) I just switched jobs at my company too, also into the world of merchandise buying! Hope you are getting settled!

  17. set up in your apartment and you got the job? congratulations, girl!!!
    And I am all about maps for decorations. Along with that I have a photograph that I've taken from each country I've visited and a variety of plants around the house. I like mixing my own art with pieces that inspire me

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