Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Today's post is short, partially because I am sick again (fail), and partially because there is only one thing on my mind today.

My dear, hard-working mom is retiring today.
She kind of kicks butt at her job... so I'm sure they're sad to lose her, but I couldn't be happier that she'll get all the time in the world to garden, read books, and enjoy the lake.

Congrats Mom, I love you!

(photo via Louisa Marion Photography- please give proper credit)

xo, lp


  1. That's so exciting for your mom! Though I did the math the other day and we still have a good 40+ years before we can retire! ha

  2. Congrats to your mom!! Geez I can't wait to retire haha. Sorry to hear you are sick...I've been sick too and didn't go to work today.

  3. aw, i'm feelin ya in the mama love today! today's my mom's birthday & i sent her some flowers to let her know i was thinking about her :)


  4. Congrats to your mom! That's so exciting. My mom is one of my heroes and someone I look up to professionally. She works so hard and she's incredibly good at what she does. On the one hand she deserves to retire because she's worked so hard (for years having two jobs) but her retiring means my parents moving to the Philippines and my heart would just break! OK... sorry to make my comment about me. Congrats to your mom!

    1. hahah chris you are too funny! so sweet to know you love your momma just like i do :)

  5. Awwww, yay yay yay! My mom is retiring this year and I couldn't be happier for her - now if only we could retire now....haha


  6. Congrats to your mom! She must be pretty fabulous, just like you:) Hope you get to feeling better soon.

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